Retrieve Rx Eligibility in Bulk
Q: How do I retrieve Rx eligibility in bulk?
1. Open the Scheduler Workspace
Go to the SOAPware menu, then click Schedule.
2. Open Retrieve Rx Eligibility
Got to the Tools menu, then click Retrieve Rx Eligibility.
3. Eligibility Processing
SOAPware will begin processing Rx formulary eligibility for all patients that are listed on the schedule for the current date.
4. Correct Invalid Data
The red shading of a patient's name indicates that there is some required demographic information missing on the patient. This information must be corrected prior to retrieving eligibility.
To correct the invalid demographic information:
- Click the Edit button.
- Correct the fields that contain a red exclamation icon.
- Save the changes, then click the Retrieve Eligibility (green arrow) button.
5. Review Shortened Data
The yellow shading of a patient's name indicates that some of the required demographic information has exceeded the maximum character length for Rx eligibility requests. The information can still be submitted for eligibility, but will be shortened when processed.
To retrieve the patient's Rx eligibility information based on the shortened data, click the Retrieve Eligibility (green arrow) button.
If you wish to edit the demographics information, follow the steps below:
- Click the Edit button.
- Edit the fields that contain a yellow exclamation icon as desired.
- Save the changes, then click the Retrieve Eligibility (green arrow) button.
- Processed Patients
The Processed tab will display the list of patients whose eligibility has been successfully retrieved.
If there are any differences between the SOAPware demographic information and the insurance company demographic information, they can be viewed by clicking on the patient’s name.
- Overwriting Demographics with Insurance Changes (Optional)
If you wish to overwrite the SOAPware demographics information with the demographics information from the insurance company (optional):
- Click the Edit button.
- Click the Overwrite button to replace the patient’s SOAPware demographic info with the insurance company demographic info.
5. Close the Bulk Rx Eligibility Window
Click the Close button to close the Bulk Rx Eligibility window.
6. Viewing the Formulary Information for a Patient
After retrieving the Rx eligibility for patients, the formulary information will be displayed within the patient's Rx Manager.
- Benefits Description: Each tab represents different coverage plans for the patient.
- Displays the formulary status for the prescription.
- A summary of the cost for the medication may be displayed in this section.
- Information as to OTC/Brand/Generic prescription status.
- Alternative drugs supported by the selected coverage may be displayed.
*Note: The information received when a patient's eligibility is checked is determined by the information released by the insurance company.