Enter Billing Group(s)
Q: How do I enter a billing group(s) for block 33?
*Note: PM Setup
The Practice Management setup process must be completed in a specific order. Please follow the setup lessons for step-by-step instructions.
1. Open Manage Groups
Go to the Tools menu, then select Manage Groups.
2. Create a New Group
To create a new group, click the Green + button.
3. Enter Group Information for Block 33
- Contact Information: enter the basic demographics information for the group including the name, address, 9 digit zip code, phone and entity type (select Person or Non Person).
- ID Numbers: enter the appropriate ID numbers for the group including the Tax ID (choose EIN or SSN) and the billing NPI number.
- Electronic: enter the electronic claim ID numbers including the following: Submitter ID: select Mutually Defined - ZZ; ID: enter your 4 digit site ID code that is provided to you by GatewayEDI; UPIN: enter the billing UPIN; State License: enter the billing state license number.
- Pay-To Address: if payment will be sent to an address other than the street address listed in the Contact Information section, enter the Pay-To address including the 9 digit zip code.
- Paper: If your state requires a specific ID on every claim (ex: Taxonomy code), enter the Legacy ID information. Select the ID type from the drop down menu, then enter the required ID number.
4. Enter Additional IDs
When setting up a brand new system, you can ignore the Insurance Information section initially. You will have to have your insurance companies setup before you can setup this field. Once you have finished the setup process, and need to add additional IDs required for a particular insurance company, you can add that information here at the group level, if needed.
- To create an additional ID for a specific insurance company (for your group), you will click the Create New button (Green +). Search for the needed Insurance Company. Click Select, then Edit the Additional IDs required for that insurance company.