Edit the Subjective Information
Q: How do I enter/edit the Subjective information?
1. Open the SOAPnote
Open an existing SOAPnote or create a new SOAPnote.
See: Create a SOAPnote for help.
2. Place Cursor into Subjective Field
Place your cursor into the Subjective field of the SOAPnote. The bold green brackets indicate that the field is active and you can begin entering documentation.
3. Enter the Chief Complaint, HPI and ROS
Enter the patient's chief complaint, HPI and ROS into the Subjective field. For further documentation instructions, please see:
How Do I... Video
The above video will demonstrate the steps required to complete the Chief Complaint, HPI and ROS in SOAPware. Click the Play button to begin the video.
*Video Won't Play?: You may need to update Adobe Flash Player. Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer.