Create a Template
How do I create a template?
1. Open a Chart
Click on the Chart Rack docked tab and open a practice chart.
2. Create a New SOAP Note

Click on the Green + to create a new SOAP Note.
3. Enter Information in the SOAP Note Fields

Enter desired information for your template in the fields shown above, including medication pick lists in the Medication field.
*Warning: Due to HIPAA requirements, do not put “real world” patient data in templates that you or others may store on the on-line library.
*Note : Information entered into the SOAP Note may be structured or unstructured. Also, always place the cursor within the field to activate the field so you can begin to document.
See Document an Encounter for more information on SOAP Note documentation.
4. Open the Templates Manager
Click on the Templates docked tab.
5. Create a New Template

Click the Green + to create a new Template.
6. Enter Template Information

Enter a shortcut, description, and keywords for the template. Click OK to save.
Template Created
The template has been created.