Transfer a Credit Balance
Q: How do I transfer a credit balance?
1. Open the Patient's Account

Click on the Billing menu, then select Patient Account. Search for the account using the patient's last name, then click Select to open the account.
2. Open the Patient's Ledger

Click on the Ledger tab.
4. Add Adjustment

Click on the Add Adjustments button.
5. Select Adjustment Code

Click the Code drop-down menu, then select the adjustment code that is used to transfer a credit balance.
6. Select Credit Balance Line

Click the arrow next to the line that contains the credit balance. Then type the amount to be transferred (ex: -50.43).
7. Save

Click the Save button.
Clicking Save will place the Adjustment in the patient's ledger.
8. Apply the Credit
- In the patient Ledger, highlight the visit to which the credit will be applied.
- Click the Add Adjustment button.
9. Apply Adjustment

- Using the drop-down menu, select the adjustment code for a balance transfer.
- In the Applied column, type in the credit amount to apply it to another charge (see screenshot above).
- Click Save.