Setup Flags/Notes
Q: How do I setup patient flags/notes?
*Note: PM Setup
The Practice Management setup process must be completed in a specific order. Please follow the setup lessons for step-by-step instructions.
1. Open the Flags/Notes Category Manager

Flag/note categories must be created in the Category Manager before users are able to place them in patient charts.
Click on the Tools menu, then select Flags/Notes Category Manager.
2. Add a New Flag/Note Category

Click on the Green + button to create a Flag/Note Category.
3. Enter Category Name & Description

Complete the Category Name and Category Description fields.
4. Select Users/Roles/Groups for Alert

FLAG: If you wish for users to be alerted/flagged when a patient's (with this flag/note) chart is opened, you will need to select the users to be alerted. Place a check mark next to the name of the user, the role of the user or the users group. If you wish for all users to be alerted, check "Select All Users".
NOTE: If you do not wish for users to receive a pop-up alert upon opening the patient chart, leave all boxes unchecked.
5. Save the New Flag/Note

Click OK to save the new flag/note.
Flag/Note Category Created

The new flag/note category has been created and can now be added to relevant patient charts.