Rebuild Multiple Claims at One Time
Q: How do I rebuild multiple claims at one time?
1. Open the Claims Manager

To open the Claims Manager, click on the Billing menu then select Claims Manager.
2. Open the Submitted Tab

Click on the Submitted tab.
3. Edit Claims as Needed
Edit claims that have been submitted to the clearinghouse or receiver and rejected with errors prior to submission to payer.
For more information on edited rejected claims, please see: Correct and Rebuild Rejected Claims from the Submitted Tab.
4. Select Multiple Claims to be Rebuilt

Ctrl Method:
- Highlight the first claim to be rebuilt, then press and hold down the Ctrl key, then highlight the additional claims to be rebuilt.
Shift Method:
- Highlight the first claim to be rebuilt, then press and hold down the Shift key, then highlight the last claim in the series of claims to be rebuilt.
5. Rebuild Selected Claims

Click the Rebuild Selected button, then click Yes.
Claims Moved to Working Tab
The rebuilt claims will be moved back to the Working tab where they will be placed in the Pending Scrub section.
From here the claims can be rescrubbed and resubmitted.