Customize a Key Command
Q: How do I customize a key command?
1. Open Customize
Click on the Tools menu, then select Customize.
2. Keyboard

Click the Keyboard... button.
3. Specify a Command

Choose a command by scrolling through the Categories or Commands windows. Highlight the command that you wish to designate a shortcut/key command.
4. Specify a Shortcut

Using the drop down menu, select the desired shortcut for the highlighted command.

If the shortcut that you select is available for use, it will display as: [unassigned].
If the shortcut that you selected is not available for use, it will display the command that it is currently assigned to. Example: F8 "Currently assigned to: Rx Manager". If the shortcut is currently assigned, choose another shortcut that is unassigned/avaialble.
5. Assign

Once a shortcut has been selected in the drop-down menu, click the Assign button and then Close both open windows.
6. Save the Changes

To save your key command changes, go to Tools > Options > Toolbars > Save.