Setup PM List Options
Q: How do I setup PM list options?
*Note: PM Setup
The Practice Management setup process must be completed in a specific order. Please follow the setup lessons for step-by-step instructions.
1. Open List Options
To open List Options click on the Tools menu, then select Options.
2. Setup Billing Payment Types
Create the payment types that are accepted by the clinic. Add as many as needed by following the steps below:
- Highlight Billing Payment Types.
- Click the Create List Item button (green +).
- Enter the payment type into the Text box.
- Click the Create button.
Repeat steps 1-4 until all payment types have been added.
3. Setup Financial Classes
Edit or add any financial classes that the clinic will use to track patients by following the steps below:
- Highlight Financial Classes.
- Click the Create List Item button (green +).
- Enter the financial class type into the Text box.
- If desired, choose a BackColor for the financial class (do not need to select a ForeColor). This will color code the patient's account window.
- Click the Create button.
Repeat steps 1-4 until all financial class types have been added.
4. Setup Schedule Appointment Status
Edit or add any appointment status that the clinic will use to track patient appointments by following the steps below:
- Highlight Schedule Appointment Status.
- Click the Create List Item button (green +).
- Enter the appointment status into the Text box.
- If desired, choose a BackColor for the appointment status. This will color code the patient's appointment.
- Click the Create button.
Repeat steps 1-4 until all appointment status' have been added.