Using the Vaccine Rule Types
Add Vaccine Type
To add a vaccine type Rule, follow the instructions below. This is helpful for creating vaccines not found in the original database.
1. Click on the button to add a New Rule
2. Select a Vaccine Rule Type.
Creating a Vaccine Rule Set
To create a vaccine rule set (for instance, a set of all childhood shots), see: Create a Rule Set.
Add Vaccine Rules to a Chart
To add vaccine rules to a chart:
1. Click the "Add Rules" button in the Health Maintenance chart section
2. Select the rules or rule sets to add
3. Click Add
Add a Reading Date
Next, add to document vaccines in a chart, Click on the button to add a reading date.
Fill in Information
Click on the Vaccine tab and fill in the required information. The Next Due On information will determine when the next reminder for this patient will alert the user to a coming due vaccine booster.
Vaccine Tab
Click on the Vaccine tab to see additional information that can be recorded.