Pharmacy Setup
Prior to sending prescriptions electronically or faxing to a participating pharmacy, Pharmacies must be set up in the Pharmacy Manager.
Pharmacy Manager

To access the Pharmacy Manager, click Tools in the menu bar, then select Pharmacies.

There are two tabs in the Pharmacy Manager:
- Quick Access: Includes the list of pharmacies on the local database (this list will be used to populate the drop-down pharmacy selection in Rx Manager. There are two ways to add pharmacies to quick access. One is to add them manually, using the buttons in the toolbar. Pharmacies added manually in this way can only be used for faxing prescriptions. The second way to add pharmacies is to use the directory.
- Directory: Use the directory to add pharmacies from the Sure Scripts network. The pharmacies added from the Directory tab are the ones used to send ePrescriptions.
Adding Pharmacies using the Directory - ePrescribing Pharmacies

ePrescribing pharmacies are found via searching options in the Directory tab allows.
- Click the "Find by" drop down menu to obtain a menu list containing Pharmacy Name, Zip Code, Phone Number or State.
- In our example we will search by zip code. Type the zip code into the field to the right of the Find By field.
- Press the Find button. The results of the search will display in the list area below.

Selection of pharmacies to add to Quick Access can be accomplished using the following methods:
- To select an individual pharmacy, Click the Name of the pharmacy.
- To select a group of pharmacies, all of which are contiguous, Click on the first pharmacy in the list. Then, Press and hold-down the shift key while Clicking on the last pharmacy. This select-highlights all pharmacies between the first and the last.
- Holding-down the control key, Click on noncontinuous pharmacy items in a random fashion.
After pharmacy selections are made, click the Add to Quick Access button.
Click the Quick Access tab to view the pharmacies that have been added.
Manually Add Pharmacies - PRINT/FAX ONLY

Pharmacies not found searching in the Directory tab can be manually added in the Quick Access tab. A user will only be able to print or fax the prescription when a pharmacy is added using the Quick Access tab. (Please refer to the directions above to add an ePrescribing pharmacy.)
- Click the Create button (green +) at the top left.
- Type the pharmacy information into the Add Pharmacy dialog as in screen shot, and Click the Add button. When adding or editing a pharmacy, a user must input a valid 10 digit fax number. A warning symbol will display, once they Add button has been clicked, if this entry is invalid.
Automatically Update Pharmacies

By Default each time the Pharmacy Manager is opened an Update Pharmacies dialog box appears. This feature allows SOAPware to automatically download the latest pharmacy data. If the "Don't ask again" check box is checked. SOAPware will no longer prompt any user in the system to update the pharmacy list.
Updating Pharmacy Information

Manually updating pharmacy information in the local database can be performed.
Click on the Download button (blue downward facing arrow). When the search is complete the status text at the bottom of the window will display "Update Complete".
Pharmacy Manager Options

The Update Pharmacy dialog pop up box is a customizable feature that is set under Tools > Options.
Check this option and SOAPware will again prompt users to update the Pharmacy Quick-Access list when Pharmacy Manager is launched.