Summary To SOAP
This lesson will describe how to set up the Summary to SOAP option, which will allow users to set Summary fields to transfer documentation to a new SOAPnote that has been created.
Tools - Options

To set up the Summary to SOAP options, go to Tools > Options.
Summary to SOAP

Select the Summary To SOAP item within the left side menu.
Selecting the Destination
Click the drop down menu under the Destination column to specify the location that the documentation will be copied to. (Example: For Active Problems, we have selected Assessment - this will copy all of our Active Problems to the new SOAPnote Assessment field when a new encounter is created).
If the user does not wish for a field to be copied into a new SOAPnote, select "Don't Move".
Saving the Changes

To save the changes, Click the Close button. The user must then log out and back in to SOAPware before the changes will take effect.
Manual Summary to SOAP

To manually transfer our Summary to SOAP documentation:
1. Create a new SOAPnote.
2. Click Edit > Summary to SOAP.
Auto Summary to SOAP

Users can set their SOAPware options to automatically transfer documentation from the Summary to the SOAPnote upon SOAPnote creation. To do this:
1. Click Tools > Options.
2. Select Workflow.
3. Check "Auto Summary to SOAP."

With the Auto Summary to SOAP option activated, the Summary fields will automatically copy to the SOAPnote when a new encounter is created.
The Summary to SOAP option is user-specific.