Entering Demographics
Demographics can be entered and edited within the Demographics chart section.
Entering General Demographic Information

A user will notice four tabs under the Demographics chart section:
- General
- Insurance
- Custom
- Health Information Exchange
The General demographics section of the chart contains all of the basic identifying information about a patient. The patients name, provider, and contact information can all be found in this section. Yellow warning icons indicate that a field is required in order to successfully retrieve formulary eligibility for the patient and/or report meaningful use/MACRA/MIPS data. When valid data is entered, the icon will disappear.
Patient Information

Complete the patient information:
- Patient Name
- Preferred Name/Nickname (optional)
- Maiden Name (optional)
- Birth Date (required for MU/MACRA/MIPS)
- Citizen ID (for patients who do not have SSN or for use by other countries)
- Chart Number (optional)
- Marital Status
- Birth Sex (required from MU/MACRA/MIPS)
- Gender Identity
- Sexual Orientation
- Race, Ethnicity, Language (required for MU/MACRA/MIPS)*
*Note: The choices in the race, ethnicity, and language lists are determined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These options are based on current federal standards for classifying data on race and ethnicity, specifically the minimum race and ethnicity categories defined by the OMB (for Meaningful Use reporting) and a more detailed set of race and ethnicity categories maintained by the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
Race and Ethnicity

This list is compiled of user-defined items that are chosen from the full list. Once this list is setup, it is the same for all users.
- To select an item for the patient, check the appropriate box. For race and ethnicity, multiple values can be selected by placing a check mark next to each of the desired choices.
- Users can remove items from this list by clicking the [ - ] of the selected row. To select the row in order to remove, click the actual item description and it will highlight the row and expose the [ - ] button.
Language Quick List

This list is compiled of user-defined items that are chosen from the full list. Once this list is setup, it is the same for all users.
- To select an item for the patient, click on the row indicator area and save the chart.
- Users can remove items from this list by clicking the [ - ] of the selected row. To select the row in order to remove, click the actual item description and it will highlight the row and expose the [ - ] button.
Full List for Race, Ethnicity, and Language

To access the Full List for race, ethnicity, or language, click on the Full List tab to see a complete list of options. From this list the user can build a smaller quick access list. Items can be added to the Quick Access by clicking the [+] symbol of the selected row.
Clearing Patient Language/Ethnicity/Race

There are two options to clear the selected item.
Selection may be deleted by either Clicking the [ X ] button on the drop down box or pressing the DELETE or BACKSPACE keys on the keyboard.
General Demographics: PCP, Referring Provider, and Care Team

These three drop down menus are used to select the patients Primary Care Physician, Referring Physician, and Care Team members.
SOAPware can maintain a list of frequently used contacts along with basic demographic information for each of them. SOAPware's document designs can then use this information to create personalized documents such as referral letters. The contact list is also used to maintain frequently used names and addresses. In this fashion it functions much as a Rolodex. This contacts list is used in the patients demographics area to choose their PCP/Referring Provider.
If a user would like to add a referring provider to the list on the fly (who is not listed in the drop down menu), Click the + button and Contact Manager will open. Simply add the provider to the list and it will appear in the Referring Provider drop down list.
Preferred Pharmacies
This section of the patient's demogrpahics can be used to indicate up to three (3) preferred pharmacies for the patient. This allows the clinic to indicate the patient's preferred retail, mail order, or other pharmacy. The patient's settings will automatically populate in the Rx Manager when the user chooses to ePrescribe medications.
If users would like to add to the list of pharmacies on the fly:
- Click the + button and the Pharmacy Manager dialog window will open.
- Choose the Directory tab to search for the pharmacy if they accept ePrescribing.
- Or click the Add New Pharmacy (green +) button to manually add to the list.
The new pharmacy will appear in the Preferred Pharmacy list as a new selection.

This text box is used to enter the patient’s email address. At this time, there is not a way to email patients from SOAPware, but demographics acts as a central place to store all information about this patient.
An accurate email address will be required in order to register a patient for the SOAPware Patient Portal.
Insurance Demographics
To add and edit patient's insurance information:
- Click on the Insurance tab at the bottom of the demographics section.
- Click the Add a New Insurance (green +) button.
- This will bring up a window where a user will type in the insurance information.
- Click Save and a user will see the patient's insurance information listed at the top of the demographics window. Items with a red X must be completed before insurance policy is saved.
Custom Demographics

The Custom Demographics section of the chart contains the information not otherwise contained elsewhere in the demographics area, but which may be needed in most patients' charts. Custom field 13 is a note or memo text box; it is used to store more information than the other fields.
Setting Custom Demographics Titles

By editing custom demographics titles, a user can add additional demographic fields to SOAPware, with names that the user assigns to them. To modify the custom demographics headings:
- Click Tools > Custom Demographic Titles.
- A user will see a list of custom demographics text boxes. The current name of each field is shown in an edit box where the user can enter the new name.
- Fill in as many of these fields as the user wishes.
- Click Save, then close SOAPware and restart to see the new titles displayed.
*Note: This setting will change the titles of all custom demographic fields on all patients in the database.
Health Information Exchange

Many registries, such as Immunization registries, require some additional patient-specific information for immunizations. This information can be completed for the patient within the Health information Exchange section of Demographics.
- Click the Health Information Exchange item located underneath the bottom splitter bar in the Demographics chart section.
- Complete the necessary items using the drop down menus. These items include: Vaccine Reminder Method, Registry Consent, Registry Status, and Vaccine Funding Program Eligibility.
Below is a brief description of the HIE Immunization fields:
- Vaccine Reminder Method: This field specifies the manner or method in which the immunization registry sends reminders to the clinic for vaccinations.
- Registry Consent: Registry Consent is used to tell the registry whether the patient, parent or guardian consents to share submitted immunization information with other providers who access the registry.
- Registry Status: This field specifies the patient's current status with the clinic when submitting to an immunization registry.
- Vaccine Funding Program Eligibility: This field indicates the patients eligibility for VFC program. For more information please click here.
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