Setting Practice Security Defaults
Password Policy

Minimum Password Length
- Sets a minimum requirement for password length.
Passwords expire Every __ Days
- This number determines how frequently users must reset passwords.
Require Alpha-Numeric Passwords
- Clicking this checkbox mandates that all users passwords will contain at least one number and one letter.
Lockout Policy

Lock Out Accounts
- The default is to have a check in the checkbox for Lock out Accounts. Click the Lock out Accounts checkbox to un check if the preference is for users to never to be locked out. The lock out policy only applies if the wrong password has been entered too many times.
Account Lockout Duration
- Sets the amount of time, in minutes, that the user account will be locked out.
Account Lockout Threshold
- The number of incorrect attempts allowed before the lockout
Reset Account Lockout Counter
- This setting determines the amount of time, in minutes, that the user has to wait before they can attempt to log in again.
Idle Logout

This setting determines how long a computer can be idle, until a user is logged-out. This is a security setting that helps prevent non-staff/non-employees from accessing patient records illegally.
Login Window

Check this box to enable SOAPware to save the last user log-in ID in the Log-in field when the next attempt is made.
Signature Password

Specifies whether a password is necessary to sign-off documents.