Differences in SOAPware Version 4 and SOAPware 2011+
This lesson will outline some of the main differences between SOAPware Version 4 and SOAPware 2011/2012.
*Note: The following steps are applicable to SOAPware 2011 and 2012, despite the difference of versions shown in the following screenshots.
Version 4 User Log In

2011/2012 User Log In

SOAPware 2011/2012 has the capability to remember the last user that was logged in on a specific computer. This setting is managed as a security setting.
Version 4 Interface

SOAPware 2011/2012 Interface

The interface background of SOAPware 2011/2012 is similar to SOAPware Version 4 with several new features
- New Menu Item Bar
- SOAPedia Search box
- Docked Tabs
- SMARText Quick Access Window
- Common Toolbars
Accessing Charts in 2011/2012

It is possible to access the Chart Rack by:
- Clicking on the Chart Rack Docked Tab
- Clicking on Chart From the Menu Item Bar and selecting Chart Rack
- Using the keyboard command Ctrl+Shift+C
SOAPware 2011/2012 Workspaces

SOAPware now contains different workspaces, Version 4 only included the Chart workspace.
- Meaningful Use Dashboard
- CMS Quality Reporting Dashboard
- Security Manager
- Share Charts
- Chart
- Data Explorer
- Document Import
- Document Review
- Reference Library
- Schedule
- SMARText Builder
Version 4 To Do List

2011/2012 Task Manager
The To Do List from Version 4 is now known as the Task Manager. To Do Lists from Version 4 do not transfer to SOAPware 2011/2012. Every user with a log in ID will now automatically have a Task List. To ensure seamless transition, all To Do Lists must be completed prior to the conversion. Tasks have more functionality and contain more information than To Do Lists.
- Control Buttons have been replaced and Quick Access Buttons have been added.
- Tasks can show all tasks assigned, owned, created or pertinent to a specific patient.
- Tasks can be sorted by columns.
- Notes can be displayed and viewed with mouse over.
- Reminders can be associated with Task Items.
2011/2012 Default Chart Layout

Charts Layouts can now be customized per user. Chart sections can be added or removed from the Chart Workspace. Version 4 Chart Layout could not be customized, and only displayed the Summary and SOAPnote.
SOAPware 2011/2012 Splitter Bars

Splitter bars are a function that will open or close, to give the user more or less information within a chart section.
Splitter bars will collapse or expand to display more information including a mini toolbar, as well as a document list within a chart section. Actions such as creating a new docutainer, scanning, removing, and signing off a docutainer can be performed within the splitter bar.
Version 4 Chart Browser

SOAPware 2011/2012 Chart Navigator

Chart Navigator can be viewed by Relationship, Linear or by Timeline for the patient. Control buttons have been replaced with quick access buttons. Docutainers can be moved from one chart section to another by the drag and drop method. Chart sections in the Chart Navigator can be added to the Chart Layout. The Chart Navigator can be accessed by clicking on the Docked tab or selecting Chart > Chart Navigator from the Menu Item Bar.
Encounters to SOAPnotes
Encounters are now called SOAPnotes. Each field in version 4 was separated by lines, now in 2011 each field is separated by brackets.
Version 4 Summary Documentation

Version 4 documentation consisted of information free text typed into each field.
SOAPware 2011/2012 Summary Documentation

2011/2012 documentation may consist of unstructured free text data, pick lists, and structured data called SMARText, that is searchable and reportable. Pick lists give users SMARText Items to choose and select from, in the SMARText Quick Access Window.

In Version 4, documents were individual pieces of information. SOAPware 2011 has the ability to attach multiple documents to a single Docutainer in all chart sections. Multiple documents can include Lab, Radiology reports, videos and Growth Charts.
Version 4 Templates

2011/2012 Docuplates

Version 4 Templates have now been replaced with 2011 Docuplates. Templates created in Version 4 will convert to 2011/2012, but their function is now considered obsolete. Docuplates can be found in the user's local database, as well as the SOAPware Online Library. Docuplates can be created for every chart section. To access Docuplates, either Click on the docked tab or Select Docutainers from the Menu Item Bar.
Version 4 Shortcut Codes

Shortcut Codes created in Version 4 were either field specific or various.
2011/2012 SMARText Items Manager

SOAPware 2011/2012 SMARText Items have many different item types and functionalities. SMARText items are the backbone for documentation within SOAPware. These items may be used in any field or Chart Section. Structured SMARText items are searchable and reportable and are necessary to participate in the Meaningful Use Initiatives. Items in the SMARText Items manager can be searched in the user's local database, or on the SOAPware Online Library. To access the SMARText Items Manager select Docutainers from the Menu Item Bar or use the keyboard command F10.
Version 4 Superbill

2011/2012 Billing Statements

2011/2012 Billing Statements are contained within the patient's chart as a chart section named "Billing Statements". Billing Statements pull structured information from the Assessment and Plan fields of the SOAPnote. New functionality has been added to this section with the addition of the CMS 1500 Form.
Version 4 New Rx Submission

2011/2012 Rx Manager
2011/2012 Rx Manager has many new functionallities. Information is pulled from various sections of the chart and displayed in the Rx Manager. Allergy information as well as drug interaction information will display in the Rx Pad. When adding a new prescription, the Rx Manager will automatically update the SOAPnote Medication Field as well has prompting the user to update the Summary Medication Field. Rx Manager can retrieve patient eligibility and drug formulary information. Rx Manager meets the Meaningful Use Stage 1 Criteria for e-Prescribing. This can be accessed from the Docutainer Menu Item and selecting Rx Manager,or by by using keyboard command F8.
Version 4 Pulled Charts

2011/2012 Pulled Charts

Pulled Charts in SOAPware 2011/2012 is still available, but it's functionality is considered obsolete. SOAPware recommends users to manage items from the Task Manager.
Version 4 View Previous Encounters

2011/2012 Encounter Viewer

2011/2012 Encounter Viewer offers the ability to search documentation by Date, Prescription or Diagnosis. Added functionality includes the ability to copy a field or an entire document to a current SOAPnote. This is accessed through the Tools Menu Item.
Version 4 Print Key Commands

Version 4 Print commands were provider-specific. Security access was required to edit these settings.
2011/2012 Print Commands

2011/2012 Print Commands are user-specific, and are managed by individual users. User-specific settings are customized through the Tools Menu Item and selecting Options.
2011/2012 Document Designer
Report writer has been changed to Document Designer. Edit buttons have been added for easy access. Some Data Commands used in Version 4 will not convert to SOAPware 2011/2012. Document Designer is located in the Tools Menu Item.
Version 4 Security Administration

2011/2012 Security Administration

Security settings from Version 4 will not transfer to SOAPware 2011/2012. Security is required in SOAPware 2011/2012 for all users. Groups and Roles have been added to allow or deny access to various functions and chart sections within SOAPware. All current and inactive user actions are now logged automatically and can be tracked with audit logs. Audit logs can also be performed on a specific patient's chart. Security is accessed by clicking on the Tools Menu Item or through the Security Manager Workspace.