Chart Navigator
Chart Navigator functions as the table of contents for charts. Chart Navigator allows a user to insert chart sections, as well as view documents in a patient's chart, in various chart sections.
Access Chart Navigator
- Click on the Chart Navigator tab docked at the bottom of the screen.
- If Chart Navigator is not docked at the bottom, Click on Chart in the main menu toolbar, and Click on Chart Navigator.
- Press Control + B on the keyboard.
Two main regions

Chart Navigator is divided into two main regions: the left side is a list of all the chart sections, and the right side will display what documents are within a particular chart section.
A chart section will be bold black if there are unsigned documents within the chart section.
Open Chart Sections not currently displayed in Chart Layout

Double click on any chart section within Chart Navigator, and a new tab will be created in a user's chart layout. Remember, the chart section will appear on whichever side of the chart the user last used-or which side of the chart the user's cursor was last placed on.
Action buttons on mini toolbar within Chart Navigator

- Create a new document in the chart section that is highlighted on the left side of Chart Navigator.
- Scan in a new document in a chart section.
- Sign off a document if the user is a clinician.
- Print off a document in a chart section.
- Attached the selected document to a new myHEALTHware conversation (to send to the patient or referring provider).
- Reassign a document to another clinician if the document is not already signed off.
- View the selected document.
- Remove a document from a chart section.