Manage Groups
A Group is used to define a business entity or individual within a clinic. This information will be useful for populating information to the CMS 1500 form. Newly added Groups may contain more than one provider, but a provider may only be associated with one group.
*Note: Certain elements of group data should be entered and associated with a provider prior to exporting immunization files or CQM reports.
Access Manage Groups

Click on the Tools menu item > Manage Groups.
Create New Group

Click on the button with the green plus to create a New Group.
Add Group

Creating a Group and associating a provider with a Group will cause the group information to default as the provider's Pay To/Billing Provider information, with each insurance company.
- Contact Information- Enter the basic demographic information for the group.
- ID Numbers- Enter the appropriate ID numbers for each field.
- Insurance Information- Insurance Companies need to be set up first before taking advantage of this area. This data is not required for exporting immunization files and CQM reports.
- Legal Authenticator- This data is only required for exporting immunizations and CQMs, not for billing purposes. Enter the information of the staff member to be contacted if there are any questions concerning these exported reports.
Click here for more information from the Practice Management User Manual for detailed information for set up.
Click the Save button to save changes.
Associate Provider with Group

- Go to Tools > Provider Manager
- Select a provider name on the left and click the Misc. tab
- Select the Group from the drop down menu
- Click Update