Sharing and Downloading Templates
Checking the box to Include Cloud Library Items at the top of the Templates panel will expand a user's Templates list to include additional items available in the SOAPware Cloud Library.
Time saver tip: Before creating a Template from scratch, it can be beneficial to review existing Cloud Library items to see if another user has shared a Template that meets your needs, or can serve as a template from which to base a customized Template. To help expand the Cloud Library content, please consider sharing Template designs with the rest of the SOAPware community.

To share a Template, select the Template and click the Upload (blue up arrow) button. It will be uploaded to the Cloud Library. Before sharing a Template, please make sure that no patient data is present in the Template.
Due to HIPAA requirements, do not place actual patient data in Templates that you or others may store on the cloud library.

To download a Template, click the Download (blue down arrow) button after clicking to highlight the desired Template you would like to download. Include Cloud Library Items must be checked in order to view and download cloud Templates.