Data Explorer Search for Health Maintenance Rules
In this lesson, we will use Data Explorer to search for patients that have specific Health Maintenance Rules due.
Depending on the size of the database, this search could take several minutes. We do not recommend running database searches during business hours.
Access Data Explorer

On the menu bar Click on Soapware and choose Data Explorer.
Create a New Query

Click on the New Query button.
Name the Query

Type the name of the query in the "Search Name" box. It can be helpful to place a date on the query also.
Select the Chart Section to be Searched

1. Click on "Search Chart Sections."
2. Un- check "All Chart Sections" in SMARText Quick Access.
3. Click to place a check in the box next to Health Maintenance.
Type of Document

1. Click on "for Documents of type."
2. Using the drop-down menu in SMARText Quick Access, double-click on Health Maintenance.
Select the Area to Search
1. Click on "Search Health Maintenance."
2. Type in the Rule or Vaccine to search for, exactly as it appears in Health Maintenance.
3. Using the arrows, indicate the number and measurement of time.
Perform the Search

Click the Search button.
Search Results

The search results will be displayed and can be saved or printed.