Incoming Transition of Care Patient - Medication Reconciliation
This lesson will demonstrate the steps necessary to meet the Meaningful Use requirement for Medication Reconciliation. When the eligible provider receives a patient from another setting or provider of care, they should reconcile the patient's medications list.
Opening the MU Patient Dashboard

To record a transition of care, open the MU Patient Dashboard (View > MU Patient Dashboard).
*Note: Make sure that a patient's chart is open and that the patient has an active encounter during the time period the analytics are being gathered.
MU Patient Dashboard - Incoming Transition of Care Patient

At the bottom of the MU Patient Dashboard, click in the box next to "Incoming Transition of Care Patient" to indicate that this patient is being received from another setting or provider of care.
Medication Reconciliation Prompts

Click "Yes" to indicate that the active medications list will be reconciled during the encounter.
*Note: The Incoming Transition of Care item on the MU Patient dashboard will be reset (to unchecked) as an incoming transition of care can be recorded on the same patient multiple time during the reporting period.