Drug and Allergy Interaction Checking
Drug to Drug and Drug to Allergy interactions are checked each time a prescription is processed through Rx Manager, whether it is to be sent electronically, faxed or printed.
The severity of the interactions the user wants to be alerted to is a setting under Tools > Security, which will also be covered in this lesson.
SMARText Medications and Allergies

In order for the drug interaction check to work, the patients Summary medications and allergies must be documented in SMARText format.
If the patient has no allergies the SMARText Item Drug Allergies: No Known must be displayed to meet Meaningful Use/MIPS criteria.
Interaction Alert

When the Rx manager is accessed, if an interaction is found, a pop up a color coded alert will display in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.
- Red - Major Interaction (shown in screenshot)
- Yellow - Moderate interaction
- Green - Minor Interaction
Viewing the Interactions

The interactions can be viewed by either clicking on the alert pop up, or by clicking on the View Interactions button on the Rx Pad.
Interaction Information - Overview Tab

The Overview tab will display:
- The severity of the interaction.
- The type of interaction (e.g. drug/drug or drug/allergy).
- The drug and conflict item.
- An overview on monitoring and management.
Interaction Information - Combined Tab

The Combined tab will breakdown each interaction with monitoring and management information.
The Copy button allows the user to copy then paste information into the patient's chart.
The Print button allows the user to print out the information for the patient.
Interaction Severity Settings

Within Security Settings is an area to designate what level of interaction a user wishes to be alerted about.
For more information, please see: Security - Drug Interaction Filtering.
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