Create a Rule
Health Maintenance rules may be created to place individually in the patient's chart or to be placed in Rule Sets. When Health Maintenance rules are created, they will be available network wide. This means that once the Health Maintenance rule is created the rule will be accessible for all providers and users in the clinic. Networks with more than 1 provider should consider creating standardized rules to be used in within the network.

Open Health Maintenance by clicking Tools > Health Maintenance Rules and Sets and click on the Create Rule button (Green +).
Choose Type

Choose either a Basic or Vaccine rule type. Vaccine types, by default, allow for documenting the Drug Name, Dose, Site, Manufacturer, Lot # and Expiration Date.
Select Name and Description

- Type the rule names and descriptions in their respective fields, and set the alert interval, frequency (at weeks, months, years, or at a particular age).
- Click Create.
Alert: How far in advance of the due date does the user want to be alerted that an item is due.
Frequency: How often does the user want this issue to be addressed (at regular intervals or at a specific age).
N/A List: This will be the exception list for the rule (i.e.: why something is performed or not performed).
Editing a Rule

To edit a rule, select the rule that will be edited, and then Click the Edit Rule button. This action will bring up the Edit Rule dialog. Make the desired edits, then Click Save.