SOAPware can maintain a list of frequently used contacts along with their basic demographic information. SOAPware's document designs can then pull this information to create personalized documents such as referral letters. The contact list is also used to maintain frequently used names and addresses. In this fashion it functions much as a Rolodex.
Opening Contact Manager

Click Tools in the menu bar, and select Contacts.
Adding Contacts

To add a contact, click the Add New Contact button.
New Contact

Complete the Contacts information and the Provider Information section for Insurance filing purposes (if using SOAPware PM).
*Note: The UPIN field next to the NPI entry is being phased out and in current versions of SOAPware the field will be grayed out. If the UPIN is still required by certain Insurance companies, the number can be typed in the Legacy number field as instructed in the ID Number step below.
Insurance Mapping

Click the New Insurance Mapping button in the Insurance Information section. The Select Insurance Company dialog displays.
This section allows Insurance-assigned legacy number entry in addition to the NPI number. The contact name will print in box 17 on the CMS 1500 claim form when listed as the Referring Provider in the general Demographics section of a patient chart. The NPI number typed here will print in box 17b on the CMS 1500 form and the legacy number will print in box 17a.
Insurance Company Manager

Highlight the insurance company that you need to select for this contact. Click Select to proceed.
Edit Contact Insurance IDs

Enter the insurance IDs for both Electronic and Paper claims. Click Save to save your changes.
Updating/Editing Contacts

- Double-click on the contact to Edit the item.
- Perform edits as necessary.
- Click the OK button to save your changes.
Removing Contact

- To delete a contact, click the X next to the contact name.
- To verify that you wish to delete the contact, click Yes.