Generate a Health Maintenance Report
Create a Health Maintenance Letter

A user must first create a Health Maintenance Letter in Document Designer before a the report can be printed as Health Maintenance Report. To learn more about Document Designer, see the following link: Document Designer. There is an existing design that can be used for generic Health Maintenance items, which can be found by searching the available designs for "Health Maintenance".
Generate Report

Once the report has been created, go to Tools > Generate HM Report.
Select Rules

In the Rules to find field, Click the All Rules list item, or Click the Browse button to select one or more Rules or Rule Sets. A list of patients with selected rule(s) will display.
Choose Dates

In the Due on or before field, Click the down-arrow, then Click on the date to search for rules due by. Click Print.
Print Patient Report

To print a letter for all patients listed, Press the Report button, then select the preferred letter design in the Select Document Design window. Press the OK button to being printing the patient letters.

*Note: As of 2014, the criteria for patient reminders changed and this report no longer calculates patients for Meaningful Use even when the user clicks Yes.
Save a Copy

A user will be prompted to Save a Copy of Document to Correspondence Out for each patient listed. Fill in the appropriate fields, and Click the Create button. This will save a copy of the letter in the Correspondence Out section of each selected patient's chart.
Patient List

To print a list of the patients with Health Maintenance issues to be addressed, press the List button and when the Print Preview dialog opens, Click the Print button.
Printing a "List" will not increment the provider's Meaningful Use statistics. The Report option must be selected in order to increment Meaningful Use statistics.