Placing Orders for Immunizations in Order Manager
This lesson will discuss customizing and using SMARText Immunization item types.
Customize Immunization Order Sub-Items

Immunization Order sub-items that are displayed in the Plan field, can be customized under the Tools menu item.
1) Click Tools menu item.
2) Click Options.
Structured Immunization Entry

1. Click on Structured Immunization Entry.
2. Select the default Immunization Specific sub-items to be displayed when the Immunization Order is entered.
3. Select the default Generic Order Entry Items to be displayed when the Immunization Order is entered.
*Note: This setting is user-specfic.
Immunization Order SMARText Item Type

Due to the way Immunization Order SMARText items are designed:
1. They cannot be searched and inserted into the plan field by using F11 or Shift F11.
2. They cannot be part of a SMARText Pick List.
3. They cannot be selected from SMARText Quick Access.
4. They cannot be inserted into the Plan field by using a shortcut code.
5. They cannot be inserted using the F4 Quick Entry Method.
Immunization Orders may only be entered using Order Manager.
Search for Immunization Orders

1. Search for Immunization Orders by typing in the keyword, "CVXi," into the Find Box.
2. Click the search button.
*Note: CVXi is the unique identifier that the CDC associates with immunizations.
For more information on how to download an Immunization Order for use, see: Order Entry Setup
Immunization Order in the Order Manager

Immunization Orders may only be entered using the Order Manager.
To Open the Order Manager:
1. Click on the Order Manager Icon on the Common toolbar or select Docutainers >Order Entry > Order Manager.
To Create a New Immunization Order:
2. Click on the Green Plus button within the Order Manager or order an Immunization.

To Select an Immunization:
1. Enter Keywords into the Find box and Click the Search button or scroll to select the Immunization.
2. Click Select.
Documenting Immunization

The Immunization Order will appear in the Order Manager. Sub-items listed are determined by what the user has selected under Tools > Options >Structured Immunization Entry.
Fill in the appropriate sub items including Related Diagnosis, Dose, Manufacturer, Lot #, and Site using the SMARText Quick Access.
Place the Order

1. After all sub-items have been completed the user will place the order by Clicking on the button with green/white plus (see screen shot above).
2. Placing the order will create a Task Item to be sent to the Assigned To's task list to perform. Enter any desired information on the Task Item then Click Select.
Transfer to SOAPnote

After the order has been placed the Red exclamation sign will change to a Green + sign. This indicates that the Order has been placed and sent to the appropriate staff to complete.
The order now needs to be transferred to the SOAPnote. This is indicated by the Gray downward facing arrow. Click on the Transfer to SOAPnote button to document the Immunization in the SOAPnote.

This order is now complete.
Immunization Displayed in the Plan Field

The Immunization will display in the Plan field once the order has been transferred to the SOAPnote. Sub-Items displayed will be determined by what the user has set under Tools >Options > Structured Order Entry.