Order Entry Set Up and Quick Entry
Order Entry allows the user to place, manage, and track orders and results from within the patient chart. These orders are used in the Plan field. This SMARText Item type will display as Order Entry in the SMARText Manager window when searching. This item type is the base of all Orders in the SOAPware system. It is IMPORTANT to understand that the Order Entry item type is different from other SMARText Items.
In the Security settings, there is an option to cancel the creation of a Task Item. It is generally Not a good idea to allow Task Item creation to be canceled. If this option is activated, it is possible to skip creating a Task Item by clicking Cancel. The order will be placed for the patient, but without an associated Task Item.
Order Entry SMARText Item Type

Because of the way Order Entry SMARText Items are designed:
1) They cannot be searched and inserted into the plan field by using F11 or Shift F11
2) They cannot be part of a SMARText Pick List
3) They cannot be selected from SMARText Quick Access
4) They cannot be inserted into the Plan field by using a shortcut macro
Order Entry Set Up

It is necessary to first go to the SMARText Items Manager and download the Order Entry items that will be used in the clinical practice. This can be accessed from Docutainers menu item or pressing your F10 key. Verify the checkbox for Include Online Library Items is checked.
To do this:
1) Make a list of the most frequently used Orders in the practice (Orders are any diagnostic test or procedure that needs to be performed outside the practice).
2) Search in SMARText Items Manager for the Order Entry items and download them.
- In the Type column, the Order Entry item can be identified. Clicking on the Type column header will group the SMARText Items together by Type.
3) After items have been downloaded, customization of the Order Entry sub-items can be made if needed. Rarely should new items be created.
Customization Order Entry Sub-Items

To display customized Order Entry sub-items in the SMARText Quick Access window follow these steps:
1) Duplicate the item to be customized by right clicking over the Order Entry Item and click on Duplicate
2) Click on the edit button to begin the customization
3) Drag the SMARText Desginer so that it is next to SMARText Quick Access
Selecting Sub-Items To Be Displayed In Order Entry SMARText Items

1) Right click anywhere on the blue/bold words of the Display Header that is shown in the Display field of the SMARText Designer
2) Click Manage Sub-Items
3) Select Sub-Items to be used in SMARText Quick Access; For example: Click Assigned To to display a list of users set up for your practice
Customize Order Manager and Plan Field Sub-Items

Order Entry sub-items that are displayed in Order Manager can be customized under the Tools menu item.
1) Click Tools menu item
2) Click Option
3) Click Structured Order Entry
Structured Order Entry

There are two tabs for Structured Order Entry sub-items:
1) Order Manager
2) Plan
Sub-items may be customized for both Order Manager and the Plan field (i.e. after an order is entered into a SOAPnote). Rarely, if ever, would most users want more than 2-4 sub-items displayed. Unchecking a sub-item box in SMARText Quick Access is recommeded instead of deleting the sub-item.
Order Entry Destination Set Up

Order Entry Destinations are facilities that are user defined where orders can be submitted. For example, Memorial Hospital Lab might be a destination. It is a place to send orders (i.e. tests, labs, studies, procedures, equipment, etc.) to be processed.
1) Click Docutainers
2) Click Order Entry
3) Click Destinations
Destination Manager

Click the Green + to enter information for a new Destination. Click the edit button to edit the information for a Destination or the remove button to remove the Destination from list.
Destination Demographics

Enter the demographic information for the new Destination and Click Save.
Quick Entry for Orders (Insert Order or F4)

There are 2 methods for inserting orders into SOAPnotes. One way is via the Order Manager, and the second is via Quick Entry (Insert Order or F4).
With a patient chart and SOAPnote open:
1) Press your F4 key or
2) Click on Docutainers menu item
3) Click Insert Order
Place Order Dialog

The desired orders can be found either by searching in the Find field/box or by scrolling through the Place Order list. To use the Find/Search method, type the shortcut of keyword in the Find field, and Click the Search button. This only searches the local database and does not search the online library.
Task Order

Click to select the user the task needs to be assigned to from the Assigned To drop-down menu, and then Press the Select Button.
For Quick Entry to most efficient, it is advised that the clinicians pre-define and store the Assigned To and other values. If this is done, entering an order can be done in three easy steps:
1) Press F4
2) Type the order's shortcut
3) Press Enter
The order has been placed into the SOAPnote Plan field, and an associated Task Item has been created to track the order.
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