This lesson will demonstrate how to insert the Allergy Starter Pick List is your Summary docuplate does not already contain the Starter Pick List. This lesson will also describe how to use the Allergy Starter Pick List and how to insert Allergies that are not drug related allergies.
The Allergy field in the Summary chart section is used to record a list of the patients allergies and intolerances. This list is used when e-Prescribing to alert the physician of any possible allergy to drug interactions.
Placing of the Insertion Point

With a patient chart open and the Summary chart section visible:
1. Place your insertion point to the right of the field header.
2. Left click your mouse to insert your cursor.
If the bold green brackets appear (as shown above), then the field is active and ok for you to begin entering data.
Inserting the Starter Pick List for Allergies

To insert the Starter Pick List for Allergies:
1. Type all- into the Allergies field (as shown above).
2. Press the spacebar to expand the Pick List.
Note: If the Pick List does not expand when you press the Spacebar, you may need to do a Shift + F11 search to download the item to your local database. Once you have used the Pick List once, you will be able to expand it using the Spacebar method.
Allergies Starter Pick List

The allergies Starter Pick List is used to record a list of the patients allergies and intolerances. This list is used when e-Prescribing to alert the physician of any possible allergy to drug interactions.
Accessing the Allergy Starter Pick List
In SOAPware, text that appears Blue and Underlined indicates that a Pick List is attached to the SMARText item.
Left click on the Pick List header (ie: Starter - Allergies - Summary) and a list of items will appear in the SMARText Quick Access Dialog.
Choosing Items from the Allergy Pick List

With the Allergy Pick List displayed in the SMARText Quick Access dialog, click to place a check in the box in the "Select" field next to each of the items that you wish to insert into the Allergy field.
When the items are inserted, the Allergy Pick List header will disappear.
The Allergy Pick List only contains drug related allergies. To enter non-drug related allergies, such as food intolerances, see the step titled Entering Non-Drug Related Allergies below.
Attaching Item Comments to Allergies

To attach a free text comment to the SMARText item:
1. Left click on top of the SMARText item (ie: Codeine - see above).
2. Begin typing your desired comments (ie: Nausea - as shown above). An "Item Comment" box will appear for you to type in.
Save your comments.
The item comment will be inserted next to the SMARText item (see Codeine example above).
Entering Non-Drug Related Allergies

The Allergy Pick List only contains SMARText items for drug related allergies. As a result, there will be a need to add non-drug related allergies such as food intolerances, in a free text fashion. To enter free text non-drug related allergies, simply free-text type the intolerance into the allergy field (as shown above).
Adding SMARText Code to Non-Drug Related Allergies

After adding the free-text non-drug related allergy, we suggest that you add a SMARText code so the system won't recognize it as a drug interaction when performing the e-Prescribing function.
The SMARText item that you will want to attach enters the text (ID-Ignore) next to the free-text allergy. This will allow the sentence or line of text to be ignored in the drug interaction check. If you do not enter this SMARText item next to a free-text allergy the system will see the item as uncoded and will alert you that there is an item it doesn't recognize, when you are e-Prescribing.
To insert the (ID-Ignore) SMARText item:
1. Type the shortcut code id- next to the free-text allergy.
2. Press the spacebar key on your computer to expand the SMARText item to read (ID-Ignore).
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