SMARText Introduction
Exclusive to SOAPware, SMARText is the backbone for medical documentation using our EMR. SMARText entries replaces and extends macros to auto-enter blocks of text data that are specially designed to be searchable by computer.
Because SMARText items contain much more data than plain (free) text, these entries make it possible for items used in documentation to have underlying relationships to other items in the medical record. Using SMARText structured items will prepare clinics for important quality measure reporting linked to Meaningful Use data, as well as to the requirements related to the Patient Centered Medical Home.
What is SMARText
Pieces of information or objects, including text; CPT codes; medication items; images; photos; videos and audio files; can be combined to form SMARText items. Entered using a combination of shortcuts and keystrokes, multiple SMARText items can be placed together to form new and useful structures.
Unstructured Text

Shortcuts that, when expanded, display a single word or statement. These items are displayed in Black text.
htn = hypertension
ver = verbalizes understanding at this time
Structured Text

"Bar-Coded” text (data that is computer-readable), specially formatted to allow communication between computers. These items are displayed in Blue text.
Pick List

Pick Lists may contain both Structured and Unstructured SMARText. When clicked-on, these items will display a list of choices in the SMARText Quick Access Guide located on the right side of the monitor screen. These items are displayed in underlined Blue text.
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