Graphing Vital Signs
Select Vitals to Graph

To graph vital signs:
1. Simply place a check in the box next to the readings that you wish to see displayed as a graph.
2. SOAPware will automatically display a graphical representation of the selected vital signs in the top area of the Vital Signs section of the patient chart.
NOTE: You must select a reading with multiple reading dates in order to view a graph of the selected vital sign(s).
If several vital signs are selected, the graph may become difficult to read. If this occurs, expand SOAPware to a larger display size by clicking the "maximize" button in the top right of the SOAPware window.
Reading the Graph

1. Hovering over any part of a particular line on the graph will bring the entire line forward and fade the others into the background. This allows you to easily view the graph for a particular vital sign, without having to de-select the other graphed readings.
2. To display the values of a single point on the graph, hover the mouse cursor over the point you wish to view. The item, date, time, and value will be displayed.
3. Another method of viewing a single line at a time is to hover the mouse cursor over the legend entry for that particular reading. The legend appears directly below the graph in the graph area of the vital signs section.
Printing a Graph

To print the currently graphed vital signs, click the Print Graph Button (or press Control + Alt + P).
A print dialog box will be displayed, allowing you to select the printer and printing properties for the graph. Once you have chosen these, click OK. The graph will be printed to the printer you have chosen.
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