Chart Navigator Views
In this lesson, the user will learn about the 3 different chart navigator view options.
Access Chart Navigator
1. Click on the Chart Navigator tab docked at the bottom of the screen.
2. If Chart Navigator is not docked at the bottom, Click on Chart in your main menu toolbar, and Click on Chart Navigator.
3. Press Control + B on your keyboard.
Chart Navigator Views: Relationship
The Relationship view is the traditional, table of contents view. The patient's name will be displayed to the left, with a list of chart sections. The patient's list of documents within a chart section will be displayed to the right. See image above.
Helpful hints: 1. This view is most similar to Chart Browser, for those on a previous version of SOAPware. 2. A user can Click on a column header to help them sort through the document list.
Chart Navigator Views: Linear

The Linear view is one consolidated list of all the documents in a patient's chart. This list is initially sorted by Date/Time, but remember, you can Click on another column header, like "section", to sort the document list. Double Click on a line item to open a document in a patient's chart.
Chart Navigator Views: Timeline
The Timeline view is mainly for viewing the relationship between documents over time. Click on the horizontal bar at the bottom to move forward/backward in time, or Click on the drop down arrow next to the year. This will then bring up a calendar, where you can select a month, date, and year. To view a document from this view, double Click on a document icon.
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