Chart Interface Basics - Retrieving Charts
Your Chart Rack is very similar to your chart room.
Open the Chart Rack

To reopen a chart, select the Chart Rack docked tab located at the bottom of the Chart workspace. At the top of the Chart Rack viewer is a field, or box, labeled Search, and the cursor should be blinking in it.
Search for the Chart

A specific chart can be retrieved via 5 methods:
1. Name (Last)
2. Birth Date
3. Chart #
4. Social Security #
5. Phone #
To retrieve the chart by Name, begin typing the name. As the letters in the last name are entered, notice the corresponding chart name is highlighted-selected in the list after entering the third letter.
To search using another method, use the Type drop-down menu to change the search Type to one of the others listed above.
Open the Chart

Once the name is highlighted-selected, in order to actually retrieve the chart, there are 3 options:
1. Press the Enter key
2. Click the Open Chart button
3. Double-Click on the name
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