Tools - Options
When SOAPware is installed, it includes certain defaults and settings that can be changed whenever needed. The Options dialog contains numerous, miscellaneous options to allow SOAPware to best match your preferred needs and work-flows.
To access and go through this list of options, Click Tools in the menu bar, and Click the Options menu item. Below are brief descriptions of each item in this dialog.
*Note: any menu options which are grayed out are options currently turned off or unavailable.
Accessing Tools - Options

To open Tools - Options, go to the Tools Menu and choose Options from the bottom of the list.
Billing Statements

The Billing Statements Option allows the user to designate a default printer when printing CMS 1500 forms, set Accept Assignment to default to Yes or No on claims and the option to use Pre-printed CMS 1500 forms or print the Full CMS form on plain paper.
Accept Assignment Yes: When this box is checked, block 27 on the CMS 1500 form will print with a checkmark in the Yes box to accept assignment when sent to a payer. If the box is not checked, a checkmark will print in the No box.
Print Full CMS Form: To print both the data and the CMS 1500 form on plain paper, Click to place a checkmark in this box. If using pre-printed CMS 1500 forms, leave the box blank.
Default Printer: Use the Drop-down option and Click on a printer from the list to set as a Default printer when printing CMS 1500 forms. Claim forms will always print on the selected printer shown in this field.
Chart Layouts

Auto Close: If checked, the Chart Layouts display will close as soon as an option is selected. If it is not checked, the window will stay open even after a selection is made. To close, you will have to manually close it.
Chart Rack

Auto Close: If checked, this option closes the Chart Rack after a patient has been selected.
Minimum Characters to Search: These settings determine how many characters you have to type in for matching patients to show up. These settings are applied when searching by Name or Chart Number.
Document Designer

When in a chart, you can default particular documents to be created off of the active SOAPnote, by using one of the keyboard shortcuts listed. To select a report to be printed when the shortcut key is pressed, use the drop-down box next to the appropriate key. You will be able to set these shortcuts for any document that is setup in Document Designer.
To save time when printing the most commonly used document designs in a practice, it is wise to set up some key-command for quick printing of the 4 most commonly printed documents. The following key-commands can be designated to directly print a document type (i.e. document design) without having to scroll through the print menus.
* CTRL + F1
* CTRL + F2
* CTRL + F3
* CTRL + F4
**IMPORTANT: Do not set up printing of a prescription as a Quick Print Key Command. Print prescriptions from Rx Manager. This is because printing prescriptions otherwise through the Print option does not store the prescription under the Rx history tab in Rx Manager. By always printing prescriptions from Rx Manager, all of the printed prescriptions are together in one place.

Auto Close: Once a Docuplate is selected, the Docuplates window will close. If not checked, the Docuplates window will remain open, even after a selection.
Drug Interactions

This setting controls the severity level of drug interactions of which you are notified. Your choices are Minor, Moderate and Major. If you only want to be notified of major interactions, you will select that setting. If you select Minor interactions, you will be notified more frequently.

OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. This feature will convert a scanned image into an editable document. The following settings will affect the manner in which it "reads" your scanned image.
Accuracy: Your options are Accurate, Balanced and Fast. If you select Accurate, it will take a longer amount of time to convert your document, but it will be most accurate in its conversion. Balanced will give a decent amount of accuracy and still convert in reasonable amount of time. Fast will lower the accuracy and will do the conversion quickly.
Resolution: This controls the dots per inch. The higher the resolution is set, the larger your database will get.
Color Type: You will be able to select Black and White, Gray or Color. Black and White will be the most accurate and fastest option. If you want to convert color documents, you certainly can. Both Gray and Color will affect the Bit Depth of the conversion as well.
Bit Depth: Affects the granularity of the conversion. If you have a Gray or Color type set, the higher the bit depth you select, the clearer the picture will be.
Pulled Charts

Auto Close: If checked, the Pulled Charts dialog will close once a patient is selected from the list.

These settings determine the quality of your scanned images. Remember that the higher resolution you set, the clearer the picture, but the slower the scanning time will be.
Resolution: This controls the dots per inch. The higher the resolution is set, the larger your database will get.
Color Type: You will be able to select Black and White, Gray or Color. Black and White will be the most accurate and fastest option. If you want to convert color documents, you certainly can. Both Gray and Color will affect the Bit Depth of the conversion as well.
Bit Depth: Affects the granularity of the conversion. If you have a Gray or Color type set, the higher the bit depth you select, the clearer the picture will be.

This area will allow you to set some specific preferences in regards to how you will use SMARText, in addition to setting the size and look of your SMARText font.
Choose Font: Allows you to select the default font for SMARText. After clicking the button, you will be presented with a standard font selection dialog where you can change the font, style and size of the default SMARText font used in SOAPware.
Note: The changes will not take effect until after you close and reopen SOAPware and the font changes are not retroactive for previously created document items, it will only change items that are created after the font change.
Expand Items with Space Bar: Allows you to set whether a SMARText Item expands to full length when you press the space bar. To enable this feature, check the box. To disable this feature, uncheck the box.
Close SMARText Items Dialog when Inserting: Allows you to set whether the SMARText Dialog closes after you have placed a SMARText Item into your document. To enable this feature, check the box. To disable this feature, uncheck the box.
Allow Editing Outside of Fields: Allows you to set whether text entry is allowed outside the green SMARText brackets in an Encounter Field. To enable text entry outside of these brackets, check the box. To disable text entry outside these brackets, uncheck the box.
Display Unused SMARText Items: Display Unused SMARText Items when multiple code expanders found - allows you to set to show SMARText item sections that you never use. When this setting is off, sections that you never use will be hidden from view.
SMARText Color Coding

This setting gives you the option to color code different types of SMARText for easy recognition.
Structured Billing

There are several options that you can set to customize Structured Billing settings for your needs.
Structured CPT

Select subitems for the structured CPT items which will be inserted in the Plan section of the SOAPnote.
Structured Dx

This section determines what items are auto inserted when a structured diagnosis is entered into the chart. Check only the options that you, as a Provider, would likely use and fill out when entering your diagnosis codes for your visits.
Description: Technical description for the ICD code
Lay Term: An easy-to-understand, non-technical description
ICD#: Numeric diagnosis code
Responsible MD: The provider responsible for the diagnosis
Onset: Provides further detail as to when the particular diagnosis began
Orders: Links any associated orders needed for the particular diagnosis code used
Plan: Allows a plan to be indicated for the particular diagnosis code
Problem Number: Related to E&M Coder calculation
Course: Related to E&M Coder calculation
Initial Date: Related to E&M coder calculation
Comments: Allows any further details concerning the diagnosis to be entered.
Structured Order Entry: Order Manager

When orders are displayed in the Order Manager, the sub-items that are checked (see screenshot below) will be displayed in the lower pane of the Order Manager when the order is clicked.
Plan Options

When orders are transferred to the Plan field via either Order Manager or with the Quick Entry (i.e. F4 method), the sub-items that are checked (see screenshot above) will be displayed.
List and Explanations of Order Entry Sub-Items
Assigned To: Allows for the selection of the SOAPware user to whom the order is assigned. Note that the value selected at this step will be indicated in the Task item associated with the order.
Priority/Urgency: Allows for the setting of the priority of the order (e.g. High, Low, Urgent, Normal, etc.). The value selected at this step will be indicated in the Task item associated with the order.
Action/Status: Allows for the definition of a particular default status or action for the order (e.g. Signature Needed, Review, Waiting on call-back, etc.). This will be displayed-associated with its Task Item.
Destination/Facility: Specifies the facility where the order will be performed. The options provided here are pulled from the Destinations entered from the Docutainers menu, under Order Entry.
Defining the Destinations should be a part of initial implementation set-ups.
Location: Defines where the patient is located (e.g. exam room, lab, etc.) Define destinations via the Tools > List Options. Alternatively, it define where an order is to be performed.
Ordering MD: This is an Order Manager item - By default, the Owner of an order is the Active Provider.
Instructions: Provides specific directions or further details pertaining to the order.
Condition: Or interpretation (Normal, Abnormal, etc.) Type the condition here (in Order Manager) and an icon is placed in this column in its Task Item. Clicking on the icon will bring up the order in Order Manager.
Co-signer: Specifies who will need to co-sign on the order to approve it.
Consultant: References consulting clinicians who are associated with the order in some fashion. This links to the Contact Manager.
Contacts: References any person, other than consultants, who are associated with the order in some fashion. This links to the Contact Manager.
Authorization: This indicates that a particular payer requires prior authorization for the order and procedure(s).
Payer: Will be implemented in a later version.
Rule: Will be implemented in a later version.
Cost: Will be implemented in a later version.
Charges: Will be implemented in a later version.
Comments: Allows additional information or details to be entered.
Note that there are some Order Entry sub-items that are not typically included as sub-items in the Order Entry items themselves. These items are accessed in the Order Manager, except for the CPT code.
Related Dxs - Allows the order to be associated with a diagnosis in the Assessment field.
CPT Code - This is defined in the Codes/Notes area of the Order Entry item.
Date - Defines when the order was placed-executed or entered into chart.
Performed Date - Defines when order was actually performed.
Co-sign Date - Defines when the order was co-signed by another clinician.
Due - Defines when an order is considered as due, or when it should have been completed.
Reminder Date - The Reminder Date is just that. It is an alert sent to the physician responsible for the order.
Overdue Date - The Overdue Date will eventually be able to trigger a message to be sent to an administrator or medical director. This
function is not currently available, but will be added in a future release.
Responsible MD - This is the clinician who is ultimately responsible and who oversees the order.
Structured Rx - Default Layout

Default Layout: This section of Options allows you to select what fields are included when entering a Structured Prescription.
The Default choices affect the Structured Prescription as it appears in the SOAPnote.
Select the boxes of the items that you feel that you would fill out and use when prescribing a medication.
Summary Layout

The Summary Medications Field choices affect the Structured Prescription as it appears in the summary or when transferred to the Summary via SOAP to Summary, Drag and Drop, etc.

Printing-Faxing settings determine what document design is printed when you print or fax a prescription. To set up these reports, see: Document Designer
Rx Transmission

Rx Transmission is the default settings for how prescriptions submit from Rx Manager.

Item Headers: Allows you to choose which headers are visible and which headers are only visible when they are empty.
Rx Layout:
Single Line: This setting displays medications on a single line but medications may wrap to the screen due to space limitations.
4 - Lines: This setting splits up medications into three lines and makes them easier to read.
Separate with blank Lines: This setting separates medications with blank lines.
Substitutions Denied Wording: This box allows you to enter custom text that will be used when you choose to deny substitutions in a prescription. To change the text, replace the default wording with one of your choosing by typing it into the box.
Summary to SOAP

Allows for pulling over information under any field header in the Summary section to any area in the SOAPnote.

This box will save customizations made to toolbars. The option is also made available if you would like to clear out your toolbars and revert to what was defaulted with the system originally.
Vital Signs

Unit System: Allows you to determine whether your units for your Vital Signs are English or Metric.
Auto Fill Height: Allows the patient's height to be auto filled from the previous vital reading. Useful in clinics where your patient's heights don't frequently change.

Auto Summary to SOAP: Checking this box will automatically pull your Summary findings into every new SOAPnote created.
It moves the Summary Physical section to the Encounter/SOAPnote Objective section, the Summary Active Problems section to the SOAPnote Assessment section, and the Summary Medications section to the SOAPnote Medications Section.
Create Report Tasks: If this box is checked, anytime a SOAPnote is created, you will able to report an associated task.
On Patient Close Show: Any time a patient's chart is closed, you can select what you would like to happen at that time. You can opt to have the Pulled Charts window, Chart Rack window or the Tasks window to pop up upon the close. You can also choose for the system to do nothing upon a chart close.
Expand Docked Display on mouse over: Docked displays can be set to either auto expand when your mouse hovers over the tab or it can be set to require a Click before expanding. By default, the tabs are set to require a Click. That is, you have to Click on the tab before the panel will slide out.