Chart Sharing Feature
Chart Sharing Security & Interface Basics

To open the Chart Sharing workspace, Click SOAPware in the menu bar, and Click the Share Charts menu item.
The Chart Sharing workspace has three main areas. At the top of the screen is the Chart Selection section, where the charts to export/copy are defined; In the middle is the Data Selection section to select the chart sections to be exported; and at the bottom is the Progress section to define the location where the copies of the records (i.e.exported data or copy of the chart) will be placed. It also displays the progress of the export once it begins.
Selecting Charts to Share

To select the charts for export, use the Chart Selection area, at the top of the Chart Sharing workspace. The options in this area determine the charts selected for export/copy. For instance, to export all charts in SOAPware, Click the All Providers menu item in the Active Provider drop-down menu. Then, Click the All Charts radio button for the Type of Export. That's all there is to it. With these settings, all charts in the Chart Rack will be exported.
Select Charts

On the other extreme, to export/copy a single chart, Click the Individual radio button in the Type of Export section; then Click the Select button. This opens the Chart Rack for the selection of an individual patient chart.
Search Dates

Exported information can be limited by setting date parameters. Use the Search Dates area to enter a date or a date range, and SOAPware limits the exported information to items created within the specified date parameters. If search dates are not entered then all documents within the chart sections selected will be exported.
Selecting Chart Sections to Share

After selecting charts to share (i.e. copy or export), choose the chart sections that you wish to share. Selection is accomplished in the middle area of the Chart Sharing workspace.
On the left is a list of chart sections similar to what is displayed in Chart Navigator. On the right, SOAPware lists the chart sections you have selected to include in the export.
Note: By default, everything is selected in order to export the entire chart.
To export less than the entire chart (for example, only SOAPnotes and Labs), you will need to edit the selected items. To change the selection, click the "Select Items" checkbox at the top left. This clears the selection list. Next, place a checkbox in each individual chart section that you wish to export.
Sections to Export

Select as few as one chart section or check them all. Once the chart sections to export are selected, it's time to export. The selected sections will be displayed to the right under Sections to Export.
Selecting the Export Location
The last stage in sharing (i.e. copying, exporting) charts is to define the location where the exported information needs to be saved. This is accomplished in the progress section at the bottom of the Share Charts workspace (see above)
Browse for Location

Click the Browse button on the far right. This displays the Browse For Folder dialog where the location is selected for the exported copy. In order to create a new location, Click the Make New Folder button. Once the location is selected, Click OK.
The last step to share charts is to Click the Export button. This initiates the export process. After clicking Export, settings for the export can't be changed. A green progress bar tracks across the bottom as the export progresses. An export can take seconds to minutes, depending on the size of the file. When it is complete, the green bar is completely full.
At the selected export location, you will find one copy (i.e. PDF file) for each chart exported. Each is titled with the patient's name, birth date, and chart number in order to make it easier to find specific exported copies.
Saving Export Formats

You can save your export formats if you want to have it available for use in the future.
1. To save a format, click the "Create Format" button underneath the search dates section of the workspace.
2. To use a previously saved format, click the "Insert Format" button.
HIPAA Regulations (encrypted email)
When you email any patient records, it is important to remember that your email has to be encrypted to meet HIPAA Regulations.
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