Document Importer
There are 2 main mechanisms for adding outside documents to SOAPware. In each viewer, there is a Scan button allowing for the addition of documents directly into a patient's open SOAPware chart. The Document Import workspace is the second option and is the main mechanism for importing documents into SOAPware. Document Importer is the topic for the rest of this discussion. The Document Import workspace is used for importing documents and files from outside of SOAPware directly into patient charts without having to open each, individual patient chart in the Chart workspace. It is especially useful when dealing with large numbers of files spanning multiple charts, such as when you need to import documents created during bulk scanning operations.
Document Import Workspace

To access Document Import, Click SOAPware in the menu bar, and Click the Document Import menu item. The workspace in Document Import consists of four vertical columns and the patient name panel at the bottom.
Four Areas
1. Mini-Chart Rack - The first column/panel on the left is a list of patient charts, arranged alphabetically. This is similar in function to the Chart Rack. The name of the patient selected from this list is displayed in the patient name panel at the bottom.
2. Folder Browser - The second column/panel is a folder-browsing column/panel and allows for the finding and selection of folders (i.e. folders containing document to be imported). This is the same view that Windows creates when My Computer or Windows Explorer are selected.
3. Folder Contents - The third column/panel displays the contents of the folder selected in the second column. Right-clicking in this area allows the view or sorting options for the display to be changed.
4. Chart Sections - The fourth column/panel (right-most) shows the chart sections for the active patient whose name is displayed in the patient name panel. This is similar to Chart Navigator.
Click-and-drag the vertical splitter bars between columns to resize or hide the columns.
Select Patients in Mini-Chart Rack

Retrieving patient charts follows the same methods as utilized in the Chart Rack. Patients are usually selected by typing their names or by typing other identifiers into the Search box.
It is also possible to create a new chart by clicking the Create Chart button. The new chart will be automatically selected after creation. Once a chart is selected, the name of the patient will appear in large red letters in the patient name panel at the bottom of the Document Import workspace.
Select Files for Import

Folder browsing/selection occurs in the second columns/panel. The Folder Browser panel displays a table of contents view of the disks, folders, and network locations available to the current computer. Clicking a folder in the hierarchical list will display its contents in the Folder Contents panel to the right. Double-click a folder (or Click the + next to it) to expand it to show the sub-folders contained within it.
Select Files to Import in Folder Contents

Once a folder is selected, the file or files to import can be found in the Folder Contents panel to the right of the Folder Browser panel. This display can include any/all the files or documents contained in the selected-active folder or disk location.
Selecting Multiple Items for Import

Press and hold-down the Ctrl or Shift keys while Clicking on multiple items in order to select multiple items to import in one step. When importing multiple items, a prompt is presented to choose from 2 options:
1. Import multiple documents in a single docutainer
2. Import single documents in separate docutainers. This option offers an opportunity to create a new task for each document.
View Files Options

By default, the documents/files are displayed in a Thumbnails view, but other viewing options are available. Right-click in the Folder Contents panel; Click the View menu item, and Click a menu item for one of the 5 view options (i.e. Thumbnails, Large Icons, Small Icons, List, Details).
Select the Chart Section to Receive the Import

Documents/files to import are drag-and-dropped into the appropriate chart section (the 4th or right-most panel). To do this, Click on the document/file to import; Click-hold down the mouse button; drag to the desired chart section, and Release the mouse button to drop the document/file into the selected chart section. When dragging the document/file across the chart sections, the mouse pointer will change to a plus sign in a box when it is over a chart section that will accept that type of document.
Create Task List Items for Imports

When the document/file is dropped into the chart section (i.e. by releasing the mouse button), the Add Document Task dialog appears allowing for the automatic creation of a new task item.
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