Installing the SOAPware DataServer
This lesson provides instructions for installation of the SOAPware Data Server.
Before you Begin
Before Installing the SOAPware DataServer, please read through this guide completely. If you have any questions about any of the steps, please contact SOAPware Technical Support before beginning. If you experience any issues during the installation, please contact SOAPware Technical Support for assistance.
Click here to file a Tech Support Ticket request for assistance:
Upgrading Windows
Before installing the SOAPware DataServer, update your system to make sure that you have the latest Windows Updates installed.
To update Windows, open Internet Explorer and browse to
Hardware Recommendations
Installation Scenarios
Before beginning any installation of the SOAPware DataServer, it is important to decide what type of installation is appropriate for your computing environment.
1. If you have several computers in your clinic and would like to access the same set of SOAPware databases on the Server from each Client computer, you will need to follow the steps in this guide only on the Server. On each Client computer, you will need to follow the steps in the Installing SOAPware Guide. Most sites will use this option.
2. If you plan to use SOAPware on one machine and one machine only, you will need to follow the instructions in this Guide and the Installing SOAPware Guide on the same computer.
If you are unsure what type of installation is appropriate for your environment, please consult your Network Administrator or contact SOAPware Technical Support for assistance.
Installing the SOAPware DataServer

Before starting the SOAPware DataServer installer, log into the Server using the Administrator account. If you do not have access to the Administrator account, please contact your Network Administrator. If you are installing on Windows Vista or Windows 7, you will need to run the installer “as administrator.”
To start the SOAPware DataServer installation, insert the SOAPware CD and Click Install DataServer.
If the CD does not auto-run, browse to the FSCommand\SOAPwareDataServerInstaller.exe file on the CD and double-click it.
Then complete the steps below.
1. Setup
The WinZip Self-Extractor will prompt you to either proceed with the Setup by extracting the SOAPwareDataServerInstaller.exe files or Cancel the setup. Press Setup to proceed with the setup process. The files will be extracted into a temporary file on your local hard drive. The extraction process will typically take less than a minute.
2. Welcome Screen

On the Welcome to the PostgreSQL Installation Wizard Screen, Click Next.
3. Installation Notes Screen

On the Installation Notes Screen, read the installation notes, then Click Next.
4. Installation Options

On the Installation Options Screen, select any other additional options that you would like to install. You can also change the installation location by Clicking the Browse button. Once you have set the appropriate options, Click Next.
5. Service Configuration Screen

On the Service Configuration screen, type and verify the Account Password for the Postgres account. This account is used to automatically start and run the Data Server when the computer starts.
Note: If the account doesnt exist on the system, you will be asked if you would like the installer to automatically create it for you. Click Yes.

If you insert a password that the installer thinks is weak, you will be asked if you would like to replace the password. If you are confident that the password that you have selected is cryptic enough, Click No.
If you Click Yes, the installer will automatically create a password for you, but be warned, it will look fairly cryptic, i.e. “XgkqU|._w,o&E!QD:<_aL)N-xtB%=Sz.” If you choose this option, be sure to write down the password as you will need it later.
Once you have set the proper passwords, Click Next.
6. Initialize Database Cluster

Click Next.
7. Enable Procedural Languages Screen

On the Enable Procedural Languages screen, leave the default options selected and Click Next.
8. Enable Contrib Modules Screen

On the Enable contrib. modules screen, leave the default options selected and Click Next.
9. Finish

You are now ready to finish the installation, Click Next to begin the installation.
10. Installation

PostgreSQL will then begin to install.
11. Installation Complete

Once it is finished, PostgreSQL and the default databases have been installed and configured.
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