Docu-Portal is a new module for SOAPware users which provides two major feature additions to the EMR: (1) inbound and outbound faxing which is integrated with the chart, and (2) a secure patient portal for providing records to patients. In addition, there are a host of additional communication, document editing, and document capturing features included in the Docu-Portal, such as secure messaging to non-patient contacts, screen capture, PDF editing and generation, and scanned document uploads. Docu-Portal provides tracking of fax and e-mail communications and provides configurable individual and shared views to inboxes and sent items. Docu-Portal has been developed for SOAPware by Updox.
Docu-Portal is viewed through popular browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Depending on your configuration, Docu-Portal is accessible anywhere on the Internet or only within your SOAPware VPN. An icon saved to your desktop will bring you to the sign-in screen after your set-up. You can also keep Docu-Portal running in your system tray, so that the screen can be hidden, except when being used. Small messages appear in the system tray to let you know that Docu-Portal has a new item for you to work. You can also choose to receive notifications on your desk or phone e-mail to alert you to certain items.
Requirements = Java version 6, SOAPwareXchange 2010.1.X or above
Click Here, verify that you have all the aspects of the interface installed & configured.
Docu-Portal Connector

When creating your Docu-Portal account, you will be prompted to select an EMR, in our case SOAPware & a custom connector will be created for this interfacing between your SOAPware & Docu-Portal, called the Docu-Portal Connector. The connector is a file (soapware_hosted.jnlp) that is ran by Java, installed to Start > Programs > Docu-Portal Connector and has several settings that can be adjusted to assist you with your personal & EMR interaction with Docu-Portal.
The Connector

The Connector creates the link between the Updox Service Database & SOAPwareXchange. The application logs into your account on Docu-Portal so that you can send & receive your requested documents/information from your local computer or SOAPware.
1. Connection Information is your personal login information so that the connector can interface with Docu-Portal. Server location ( is generally never modified unless directed differently by SOAPware Technical Support.
2. Save to Disk Options Patient Home Folder is the location on your local computer where the Patient Chart Directory File will be created. The option “Send to Disk”in patient associated actions will automatically create a series of sub-folders within this folder, as configured by the “Patient Folder Pattern”. The Patient Folder Pattern directs the filing order and file naming of patient-specific folders which are saved directly to your computer (in addition to saving them in SOAPware). When you select a category at the time of filing the record, that category will become (or populate an existing) sub directory under the patient folder. For example, assuming the home folder is C:\PatientData and the record is titled “Test File”, and it is associated with patient “Joe Smith” and categorized as “Radiology”, the default file pathway of (@LI@/@LN, @FN@) will create the following file location:
C:\PatientData\S\Smith, Joe\Radiology\Test File.pdf
The following abbreviations are used to construct the actual folder path based on patient and action attributes:
@LI@ – Labeled with the patient's last initial
@FI@ – Labeled with the patient's first initial
@LN@ – Labeled with the patient's last name
@FN@ – Labeled with the patient's first name
@ID@ – Labeled with the patient's account number
@BD@ – Labeled with the patient's birth date
3. Import Directory Options SOAPwareXchange "In" Directory, ordinarily, users do not change this from the default. This must match the "In" folder location of SOAPwareXchange, specified in the SOAPwareXchange "Set Locations" settings. Report Download Directory, ordinarily, users do not change this from the default. This must match the location SOAPwareXchange expects to find the files to be imported, as specified in the file sent by the Docu-Portal Connector to SOAPwareXchange for processing.
Docu-Portal for SOAPware

After your Docu-Portal Account is created, when you go to login at you will be prompted to select your EMR, SOAPware in our case, then a file will begin to download (soapware_hosted.jnlp). This file will be ran by Java & start the "Updox for SOAPware" Helper which includes all the same tools mentioned below in "Main Menu Explained" & a few others.
1. Open Docu-Portal Browser will take you to the login page of your practice Docu-Portal website or the main page if your already logged in.
2. Open Auto Upload Folder will open, on your local computer, the folder associated with the "auto upload to Docu-Portal" function (default = C:\Documents and Settings\USER\SendToDocu-Portal).
Main Menu

Compose will allow you to create a document (w/ attachment) to send to a patient's chart in SOAPware, to fax to a contact in SOAPware, or send to another Docu-Portal enabled Practice.
Add File allows you to upload any file to the Docu-Portal so that it can be passed securely from patient, contact or SOAPware.
Capture Screenshot allows you to store a pre-selected area of what's displayed on your monitor in an image file; so that you may edit it or send securely through Docu-Portal.
Open Image Editor opens a window allowing you to create an image similar to Microsoft Paint; when a image is being viewed a menu will appear above the image allowing you to edit the image using the same tools found in Image Editor.
Sign Out will log out the current user that is logged into the Updox Docu-Portal.
Change Password allows you create a new password for your Docu-Portal User ID.
My Profile allows you to edit the Name, Address, Time Zone, Email, & Signature Image of your Docu-Portal User ID.
Usage Information allows you to view the usage & limits associated with your Docu-Portal Monthly Plan; Chart Imports, Email, Fax Pages, Portal Messages, Saves, Secure Messages, User Accounts.
Clear Cache
Manage Users allows you to manage users (view, edit or add) in your Docu-Portal Practice.
Practice Profile allows you to view or edit the practice information associated with Docu-Portal; Name, Address, Phone, Fax, & Settings.
Practice Portal allows you to enable or disable your Practice Portal; as well as view/edit the name displayed & the web address (for example: used to access it from anywhere with web access.
Manage Templates
Edit Fax Coversheet allows you to view/edit the default coversheet used by all faxes being sent by Docu-Portal. Certain Text, referred to as Marcos, are required for the coversheet to function correctly; {fromName}, {fromFax}, {toName}, {toFax}, {subject}, {instructions} are used by the faxing function so that it knows what fields to pull & where to place it in your coversheet.
Billing Information allows you to view the usage & limits associated with your Docu-Portal Monthly Plan, Bill Dates & amounts as well as edit Credit Card Information.
Connect your EMR
General Overview links to the following PDF ( for a document describing the Docu-Portals usage.
Setup References links to the following PDF ( for a document describing how to link Outlook Mail, Gmail, Faxing Service, or MAC to you your Docu-Portal.
FAQ links to the following PDF ( describing many functions of the Docu-Portal.
Have an Idea for Us? allows you to send question or comments directly to Updox for review; pertaining to an idea, question, problem or praise.
Contact Us gives you contact information for SOAPware Support (1-800-455-7627x3)
What's New?
Takes you to the following address ( where you can find new features & bug fixes being added to Updox.
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