Installing SOAPware
This lesson provides detailed instructions for installing the SOAPware EHR to your system.
Before You Begin
Before Installing SOAPware, please read through this guide completely. If you have any questions about any of the steps, please contact SOAPware Technical Support before beginning. If you experience any issues during the installation, please see the SOAPware Installation Troubleshooting section.
Upgrading Windows
Before installing SOAPware, update your system to make sure that you have the latest Windows Updates installed.
To update Windows, open Internet Explorer and browse to
Hardware Recommendations
Installing SOAPware

Before starting the SOAPware installer, log in to the computer using the Administrator account. If you do not have access to the Administrator account, please contact your Network Administrator.
If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7, browse to install.exe located on the CD. Right click install.exe and select Run as Administrator. Once complete, double click install.exe.
To start the SOAPware installation, insert the SOAPware CD, Click Continue through the three information screens, and then Click Install SOAPware.
NOTE: SOAPware requires .Net 3.5 in order to run. If your system does not have the .Net 3.5 Framework installed, you will be prompted to install it.
Click Install to install the .Net 3.5 SOAPware prerequisite.

Welcome Screen

Once .Net 3.5 is installed, the InstallShield Wizard will then begin. Click Next on the Welcome Screen.
Read the License Agreement

On the License Agreement screen, please read the license agreement. If you agree to the terms of the License Agreement, Select "I accept the terms in the license agreement" and Click Next.
If you do not agree to the terms of the License Agreement, Select "I do not accept the terms in the license agreement", and Click Next. The installer will exit, and you will not be able to install SOAPware.
Customer Information Screen

On the Customer Information screen, fill in the appropriate information and Click Next.
Destination Folder Screen

On the Destination Folder screen, change the install location if needed, and Click Next.
Ready Screen

On the Ready to Install the Program screen,Click Install.
The install process will begin.

Wizard Completed

Once the installation is finished, you will see the Completed screen. Click Finish to exit the installer.
Congratulations, you now have SOAPware installed!
Lets go ahead and start SOAPware…
Starting SOAPware

To Start SOAPware, Click Start, All Programs, SOAPware, SOAPware.
You should then see the SOAPware User Login screen.
Login using the User ID administrator and the password soapware.

Note: The User ID and Password boxes are CASE sensitive. In this instance, they are both in lowercase.
In the Server box type the IP address of your server or the server name of your server.

Once you have filled in the appropriate information, Click Login.
Registering SOAPware

Before you start using SOAPware for the first time, you will need to register the product.
The first time that you run SOAPware, you will receive a Site Registration dialog box with a space to enter the Site ID.
Note: An active internet connection is required for registration.
With an active internet connection, enter in the Site ID as provided with the SOAPware license.

Note that you can use the Windows shortcut keys to Copy (CTRL + C) and Paste (CTRL + V) into this box. Once the Site ID has been entered, Click Register.
If you enter the wrong Site ID, you will receive the following message, “Site ID specified is not valid. Please enter the proper Site ID or contact SOAPware Support for assistance.”
Once the site registration is complete, you will receive a message prompting you to setup providers for your site.

With an active internet connection, you will then be taken to the SOAPware Site Administration page.
This page contains all of the license information for your site.
Begin entering license information by clicking the Add Provider link on the webpage.

Enter the appropriate information for the provider.
When the appropriate information has been filled in, scroll to the bottom of the page and make sure any appropriate modules you have purchased are checked off. The possible enhancements include:
SOAPware Faxing Service,
SOAPwareXChangeHL7 and the
Clinical Knowledge Module.
If you see any of these at the bottom, check them off if you would like this provider to use these modules.
Click Save & Close at the top.

Note: If more than one provider license has been purchased, and you would like to set up the additional licenses, Click Save/Add New.
Site Registration

After all of the license information has been entered, Close the SOAPware Site Administration page and click Register again in the Site Registration window.
The first time that SOAPware loads, you will be prompted to change the Administrator password. This is for security reasons.

Click OK to begin changing the default administrator password.
To change the current password...

...type soapware into the Old Password box, the new password into the New Password box, and then the Confirm Password boxes. For added security, the password will be masked as it is typed into SOAPware.
When you have filled in the appropriate password information, Click OK. SOAPware will then load and the program will be ready for use.
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