eRx Monitor
This application is used to download your refills from Surescripts. If the application is running, every 15-minutes it will look at the Surescripts Server to see if you have any refills to download. eRx Monitor needs to run only on one computer for the day.
Important: You will automatically be signed up for refill requests with SOAPware 2010. You must sign in to the eRx Monitor daily to receive those refill requests from the pharmacy.
Starting eRx Monitor

1. Click the Windows Start button.
2. Click the All Programs menu item.
3. Click the SOAPware menu item.
4. Click the ERx Monitor menu item.
Signing In

Sign in as you would for your SOAPware log-in.
Check for Messages

Click the Check for Messages button as needed.
Minimize the ePrescribing Monitor dialog and leave it running while the clinic is open.
Select User Task List

You can have it direct Refill Requests to the provider's task list or a certain task list you choose. You can find any new refill requests in the Task List you set to send the refills to.
In SOAPware 2010, you can also find all open Refill Requests by going to View, All-Refill Requests.