Quick Print Key Commands
To save time when printing the four most commonly used document designs, it is recommended to set up Quick Print key commands. The following key commands can be designated to directly print a document design, without having to scroll through the print menus.
Quick Print Key Commands
The Quick Print list includes:
* Ctrl + F1
* Ctrl + F2
* Ctrl + F3
* Ctrl + F4
Tools -Options

Click on Tools > Options.
Options Dialog

Click the Document Designer list item.
On the right side of the Options dialog, all four Quick Print commands are listed. Each is associated with a drop-down list of available document designs.
Designate Document Designs

Select document designs to print for each Quick Print key command.
Save Changes made within the Options dialog

Once finished selecting a document design for each Quick Print key command, Click the "Close" button.
Changes will not be saved until the user logs out of SOAPware.
Note: Do not set up printing of a prescription as a Quick Print key command. We recommend printing prescriptions from Rx Manager to ensure that an account of each prescription printed is stored under the Rx history tab in the Rx Manager. For more information, see: Default Rx Print Designs.