Using Flow Sheets
Editing a Flow Sheet Reading Date or Column Header

To edit the Reading Date for a column, first select the column you wish to edit by Clicking on it. Then, Click the Edit Reading Date Button (or Press Ctrl + Alt + E).
Reading Date

The Reading Date dialog box will open. Click the arrow to open the drop down calendar, and select the desired date by clicking on it. Then, click the time fields and type in the desired time. When you are finished, Click Update. Your changes will be applied.
Signing Off on a Flow Sheet Reading Date

To sign off on a Reading Date, first select the Reading Date that you wish to sign off by Clicking on it in the Flow Sheet. Then, Click the Sign Off Reading Date Button (or Press Ctrl + Alt + S).
SOAPware will display the Sign Column dialog box and ask you to confirm that you wish to sign off on the Reading Date. Click Yes if you are certain you wish to do so, and the Reading Date will be signed off.
Removing a Flow Sheet Reading Date or Text Column

To remove a Reading Date or Text Column from a Flow Sheet, first select the Reading Date or Text Column that you wish to remove by Clicking on it in the Flow Sheet. Then, Click the Remove Reading Date Button (or Press Ctrl + Alt + R).
SOAPware will ask you to confirm that you wish to remove the selected Reading Date or Text Column. Click Yes if you are certain you wish to do so, and the Reading Date or Text Column will be removed.
Note that if the Reading Date or Text Column has been signed off, it cannot be removed.
Removing a Flow Sheet Item from the Flow Sheet

You can remove Flow Sheet Items from a Flow Sheet within a patient chart. This is useful for special cases in which the final Flow Sheet design is only applicable to a single patient.
However, if you find that you frequently need to remove Flow Sheet Items from an existing Flow Sheet, you should create a new Flow Sheet that serves your needs using the Docuplate Manager.
Graphing Data from a Flow Sheet

To Graph items from a Flow Sheet, place a check in Graph column box that corresponds with the item you wish to view in a Graph. A Graph containing the selected items will automatically be created in the Graph area of the Flow Sheets section of the patient chart.
Hovering over any part of a particular line on the graph will bring the entire line forward and fade the others into the background. This allows you to easily view the graph for a particular vital sign, without having to un-select the other graphed readings.
To display the values of a single point on the graph, hover the mouse cursor over the point you wish to view. The item, date, time, and value will be displayed.