Searching for Available Appointments
This lesson will show how to seach for open appointments.
Find an Open Appointment

1. Click on Scheduler.
2. Select Find Open Appointment.
Enter Basic Search Criteria

1. Select the Resource needed from the drop down menu.
2. Enter the date ranges for the possible appointment.
3. Enter the Start and End Cushions that the appointment will need to have.
4. Enter the Duration for the appointment needed.
5. Click Search.
6. If a suitable appointment has been found, select the appointment time.
7. Click Select.
Enter Advanced Search Criteria

1. Check the Facility needed for the appointment.
2. Enter the date ranges for the possible appointment.
3. Select a preferred Scheduplate.
4. Add a Provider/Resource to help narrow down the search.
5. Click Search.
6. If a suitable appointment has been found, Select the appointment time.
7. Click Select.
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