Creating SMARText Pick Lists
SMARText Items

In this example, we will be creating a pick list of diagnoses. Diagnosis items that are Structured Dx items are the type we suggest be entered into the Assessment field of SOAP encounter notes and in the Active/Inactive Problems in the Summary.
1. Click Docutainers in the menu bar menu (or Press F10), and Click the SMARText Items menu item to display the SMARText Items dialog.
2. Click the New Item button as shown in the screenshot below.
Create Item

Click the List radio button in the SMARText Type Selection dialog, and Click the Create button.
SMARText Designer

This will open the newly created item's SMARText Designer dialog.
Enter Shortcut
Type a Shortcut for this new Multi-Select List item. When creating documentation, use this shortcut, followed by pressing the space bar in order to insert the item. This action will insert a header into the chart documentation, that when clicked, presents a pick list in the Quick Access dialog. For this demo, we want to create a pick list for diagnosis items, so let's use the shortcut mydx. (Use any shortcut that will be easy to remember.)
Enter Information

1. Type a Description to help identify this item. Let's use diagnosis.
2. Type Keywords to aid in looking up this SMARText item when later doing searches (e.g. in the SMARText Items Manager).
3. For the Display Header, Type diagnosis. This is what will display, as the header, when this item is inserted into documentation. The check in the Display Header checkbox designates that the header will be displayed when this item is used when creating documentation.
4. Click the only when item is empty checkbox. This will display the header only until an item is chosen from the list in Quick Access.
Add List Items
We are now ready to add SMARText items of the Structured Dx type to the SMARText pick list of the Multi-Sel List type as demonstrated below. In order to explain the terminology, the Structured Dx SMARText items that we add, below, will be sub-items in/of the Multi-Sel List SMARText item we just created.
Add Items to a Pick List Using SMARText Items in the Local Library

Items can be added to pick lists by dragging and dropping from the SMARText Items Manager into the pick list's SMARText Designer dialog. One fashion to accomplish this is to place the SMARText Items Manager display next to the our new pick list's SMARText Designer dialog so that both are visible (as shown above).
Search for List Items

In the SMARText Items dialog, shown on the left side of the screenshot, search for the items to add to the pick list by typing in a keyword or word that would be associated with that item. For example, if we wanted to find a Structured Dx SMARText item for Hand Tendinitis, we could search on either hand or tendinitis. Now, either press the Enter key or click the Search button to locate items that contain the keyword entered.
Move List Items

Scroll through the list to find the item to add to the pick list. Click the desired list item to add while holding-down the left mouse button. Continue to hold-down the left mouse button and drag the item until the cursor/pointer is within the Item Settings area as outlined in red in the above screenshot.
As you drag the item toward the SMARText Designer dialog, the cursor/pointer will change to a black circle with a slash. When the cursor is in the correct location (i.e. Items Settings), it will have a box with a small plus. Drop the item into Item Settings by releasing the mouse button.
Repeat this for each item you want to add to the pick list.
Click the Save button.
Item Settings Box

The items will be listed in the Item Settings box after dragging and dropping the items there.
Remove Items from a Pick List

To remove any items, select the item you wish to remove, and Click the Remove Item button located below Item Settings.
Add a Pick List Header to Documentation

This new pick list item is now ready for actual use. Type mydx into an encounter note, and Press the space bar. This inserts the header (i.e. diag.) into the document. Click diag. in the document to display the items added to the newly created pick list in the SMARText Quick Access dialog (usually docked on the right side). For example, in the SOAP encounter note screenshot above, "mydx" was typed (the shortcut) in the Assessment field.
Press the Spacebar

Next, the space bar is pressed. This causes the header for the newly created pick list to be inserted. In other words, pressing the space bar after typing the shortcut "mydx" causes this pick list item's header, Diagnosis., to be inserted into the documentation.
Display the Pick List

Click on the diagnosis header to display the pick list in the SMARText Quick Access.
Choose Pick List Items

After the Quick Access dialog displays a list of items, select an item by clicking in the checkboxes next to them. This action places a check in the box, and the checked item will be inserted into the Assessment field. The header (i.e diag.) disappears once a pick list item is selected because we earlier selected "Display only when empty" when creating the pick list in SMARText Designer.