Creating a Docuplate
Docuplates may be created either from scratch, or by using an existing docuplate and then edited or modified.
This lesson will explain how to create a docuplate using an existing docuplate, how to delete a docuplate, and how to build a docuplate from scratch.
Create a Docuplate from an Existing Docuplate

Begin with an empty document in a test patient chart. To clear out the contents of a SOAPnote, Select Edit > Clear All SOAP Fields.

To insert an existing docuplate:
1. Open the Docuplates dialog. Click on the Docuplates docked tab at the bottom of the screen, Select Docutainers > Docuplates from the Menu Bar, or Press F6 on your keyboard.
2. Insert a keyword to find a desired docuplate.
3. Click Search.

Click to highlight the desired docuplate, and Click the "Insert" button .

The selected docuplate will now be displayed in the desired chart section.
Edit the docuplate by entering or removing information as needed.

To save this as a new docuplate , be sure your cursor is active in the preferred chart section, and Open the Docuplates dialog. ( Use F6 or Click the Docuplates docked tab).
1. Click on the Green + to create the new docuplate.
2. Enter a Shortcut, Description and Keywords in the Docuplate Information dialog.
3. Select OK.

The new docuplate will display, as well as the original docuplate, within the Docuplates dialog.
Delete a Docuplate

To delete a docuplate:
1. Highlight the desired docuplate.
2. Click the delete button.
3. Confirm the action of removing the selected docuplate by Clicking the "Yes" button.
Create a Docuplate from Scratch

To create a docuplate without using an existing docuplate, begin with an empty document in a test patient chart. Select Edit > Clear All SOAP Fields, from the Menu Bar.

Add the desired document items to be displayed in the docuplate. Docuplates may contain Free Text, SMARText, and Pick Lists.

To save the docuplate:
1. Open the Docuplates dialog. ( Use F6 or Click the Docuplates docked tab).
2. Click on the green + to create a new docuplate.
3. Enter a Shortcut, Description and Keywords in the Docuplate Information dialog.
4. Click OK .