Advanced Document Design
Headers and Footers

Create headers and footers that include text and/or graphics. Examples of content include page numbers, dates, a clinic's logo, letterheads, etc.
To create/designate First Page Header/Footer Click on the Edit menu and Click on Edit Page Header/Footer.
Adding the Header

A dotted line will appear across the top and the bottom of the document design delineating the area to place the header or footer.
Now, Click Edit in the menu bar again. Click First Page Header/Footer>Create First Page Header (or Footer).
Editing the Header

Insert the information for your header or footer, and then make the changes to the font, justification, font size, etc.
Creating a Second Page Header/Footer

IMPORTANT: While still in the Edit phase, place the cursor at the bottom of the first page and then Press the Enter Key until a second page is created. Once the second page is created, the dotted-delination will appear allowing the user to create the second page information.
Inserting Page Numbers

To insert page numbers and total page counts, Click the Insert menu, and then Click either Page Number or Page Count.
Emptying a Block
The Empty Block Start and Empty Block End commands, available from the Insert menu, allow you to have SOAPware leave out a section of your report when printing if that section doesn’t contain any information. To use this command, "wrap" the commands around the section that SOAPware needs to ignore when empty.
Example: To do this in the Document Designer, select Empty Block Start from the Insert menu. Then, press Enter to go to the next line. Type "MEDICATION", followed by a colon. Bold the word "medication". Press enter, and select Data Items, SOAPnote, and Medications. Then, press Enter, and select Empty Block End from the Insert menu.
The end result will look like this:
#$EncounterField Medications ,,$#
Creating Tables

Using tables are ideal for formatting text that needs to be in columns/rows. To insert a table, Click Table in the menu bar, and then Click the Insert Table menu item. Indicate the number or rows and columns.
Editing the Table

The table will display with the cell borders as faint lines. Fill in the cells with text as needed. Use the Table menu to modify and elegantly customize the table.
Using Images

To insert an image, such as a logo, Click Insert, and then Click Embed Picture. Select the Image, and then Click Open. Once the image has been embedded, Click on the image and then resize as needed.
Inserting a Signature
To embed a signature, scan the signature to a file on the computer and then follow the same instructions as for inserting an image (above).
Ask User

The Ask User commands allows the user to add unique, auto-populating commands, that are not available in the Data Items menu. This command inserts a custom question that can be used to insert additional information before printing the design. Click Data Items in the menu bar; Click Misc. Data Items, and then Click the Ask User menu item.
Ask User Question

Type the question to be asked. (It is not necessary to remove Edit default answer.)
Printing with an Ask User Question

When a document has been selected from a SOAPware Chart to print and the Ask User command was used, this is what will display.