Task List Functions
Choosing Task User

To view a specific user’s tasks, Click the User drop-down menu, and Click a User name. All tasks assigned to the selected user will be displayed. Click the All Users menu item in order to see all tasks in the entire system.
Choosing Task Type

Click the Show drop-down menu, and Click on a Task type. This provides access to:
Assigned Tasks (all tasks assigned to the selected user)
Owned Tasks (for the selected user, the owner will always be the Provider displayed at the top of SOAPware when the task was created)
Created Tasks (all tasks created by the selected user)
Docutainer Tasks (displays only tasks associated with a Document for the selected user ,not tasks that were manually created from the Task Manager)
Tasks within the current Patient chart (and NOT based on a selected user)
Customize Tasks View

It is possible to customize the view of the Task Information area per user preference.
1. Click the Customize View button (or Press Control + Alt + Z) to display the Choose Details dialog.
Customize Tasks View - Choose Details

Click the Checkboxes to the left of the various columns available. This is the mechanism to select the columns displayed in the task list area of the Tasks Manager. Click to uncheck any items that are not to be displayed in the task list area.
Rearrange Task Item Details

Click a Choose Details item, and Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to rearrange the columns in the Tasks Manager. Click OK to save changes.
Show Inactive and Deleted Task Items

In the Choose Details dialog, click the "Show items inactivated in the last" checkbox, and click the number of days down-arrow to retrieve and display tasks that have been removed (up to 100 days). Click OK to save. The Tasks Manager viewer will then show both active task items and inactivated task items in the same list. Inactivated tasks are displayed marked-through.
Editing a Task

In order to edit a task from the Tasks Manager:
1. Click the selection box containing the black triangle to the left of the task item
2. Click the Edit button
3. The Edit Task window will open, allowing you to edit the task information.
Editing a Task - Option 2

You can also edit a Task one section at a time. To do this, click the drop-down menu next to the item and select another option for the task item.
Editing Multiple Items

To make edits to multiple tasks all at once, first select the group of tasks to edit. Always Click the selection box containing the black triangle to the left of the task item whenever selecting tasks.
Performing Edits

1. Once the tasks to edit are selected-highlighted, Click the Edit Task button.
2. This displays the Multi-Item Edit dialog.

Click the Include checkboxes corresponding to the edits desired.
Select New Choices

Once "Include" is checked, its drop-down menu becomes available to make changes. Click the drop-down menu of any item to change the assigned option. Click OK to save changes. In this example, we can bulk reassign all of these tasks at once instead of having to do so individually.