Creating a New Flow Sheet Docuplate
Creating a New Flow Sheet in the Docuplate Manager
To create a new Flow Sheet in the Docuplate Manager, you will first create the flow sheet that you want in a test patient's chart. Then, you must open the Docuplate Manager (open the docket tab or hit F5). Note that you should open the Docuplate Manager while the Flow Sheets section of the patient chart is open.
New Docuplate

Once you have opened the Docuplate Manager, Click the New Docuplate Button (or Press Ctrl + Alt + N). The Docuplate Information dialog box will open. Give your new Flow Sheet Docuplate a Shortcut, a short Description, and a few relevant Keywords. Click Okay, and a new Flow Sheet will be created in the Docuplate Manager.
Add Column

To insert a Fixed Column, Click the Add Column Button (or Press Ctrl + Alt + N). The Add Column dialog box will open. Enter the text for the column’s Header and Click Okay. Alternatively, select the Date option instead so that the column will have a date header. The new column will be added to your Flow Sheet.
Insert Flow Sheet Item

To insert Flow Sheet Items for your new Flow Sheet, click the Insert Flow Sheet Items Button (or Press Ctrl + Alt + I). This will open the Add Flow Sheet Items dialog box.
Select the Flow Sheet Item you wish to add by Clicking on it, and then Click Add. The selected Flow Sheet Item will be added to your new Flow Sheet.
Creating a New Flow Sheet Item

1. To create a new Flow Sheet Item, you must first access the Flow Sheet Item manager by selecting Flow Sheet Items from the Tools menu, located on the main SOAPware menu bar.
2. The Flow Sheet Item manager will open. To add a new Flow Sheet Item, Click the Add Flow Sheet Item Button (or Press Ctrl + Alt + N). The Flow Sheet Item Editor will open.
3. Click the Add Item button. There are four Types of Flow Sheet Items that can be created. They are Numeric, Pick List, Start/Stop, and Text. Following are instruction for creating an item of each type.
Creating a Numeric Flow Sheet Item

Give your new Numeric item a name and a short description. Then, using the Units drop down box, choose a unit of measurement for the item.
When you are finished, Click Okay, and your new item will be added to the list of available Flow Sheet Items.
Creating a Pick List Flow Sheet Item

Give your new Pick List item a name and a short description. Then, type in your desired choices, entering one per line.
When you are finished, Click Okay, and your new item will be added to the list of available Flow Sheet Items.
Creating a Start/Stop Flow Sheet Item

Give your new Start/Stop item a name and a short description.
When you are finished, Click Okay, and your new item will be added to the list of available Flow Sheet Items.
Creating a Text Field Flow Sheet Item

Give your new Text Field item a name and a short description. When you are finished, Click Ok, and your new item will be added to the list of available Flow Sheet Items.
Editing an Existing Flow Sheet Item

1. Select the Flow Sheet Item you wish to edit by Clicking on it.
2. Then, Click the Edit Flow Sheet Item Button (or Press Ctrl + Alt + N).
3. The Flow Sheet Item Editor will open. Make any necessary changes and Click Okay. Your changes will be applied.