SOAP Charting
SOAPware derives its name from the SOAP format used for encounter documentation (i.e. Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan).
In SOAPware, the legacy format for encounters is for the Plan to be further divided into three (3) fields:
1. Plan
2. Medications
3. Follow-up.

The history or information offered by the patient.

The findings discovered by clinical examination.

The diagnoses addressed during the encounter.

The plans for the patient's care going forward.

The medications prescribed.

The follow-up instructions.
Scroll to see the entire SOAPnote

Depending upon the size of the monitor used for the display and/or the amount of information contained within the SOAPnote fields, all the information within the six SOAP fields may not visible in a single view. In order to view additional SOAP field information, click the Up or Down Arrows in the vertical scroll bar located on the right side of the SOAPnote workspace.