Set Up Facilities
This section is designed to inform you about all that is available in regards to setting up your facilities. You may not want to set up all of the sections related to your facilities (and that are discussed here), at this time. However, it is very important, to address these 3 areas:
(1) Facility Name, (2) Provider/Resource Management section on Scheduler Tab, and (3) Business Hours Management section on Scheduler Tab.
NOTE: Your Facilities represent the places in which your providers provide services including all Hospitals or Clinics at which the provider will be performing services. Facilities will be used in several areas of SOAPware including the POS (Place Of Service) section of health claims to be filed with insurance, and in the Scheduler (available in both SOAPware Standard and SOAPware Professional).

The Facility Manager provides the backbone to the overall set-up and workflow of your clinic(s) and provider(s). This will be the general name for your facility that will need to be easily recognizable by your staff. The name entered here will also be the one that is displayed on your Scheduler.
To begin, Click Tools on the menu bar, and Click the Manage Facilities menu item.
In the Facility Manager dialog, to add a facility, Click the Create New Facility button (with the green plus sign).
The Facility dialog presents containing the Details and Scheduler tabs.
1. Details Tab

This is the location of basic demographic information for the facility.
a. Full Legal Name
The name entered here will be the official legal name for the Facility, if different than the general name in the field above.
b. Street Address
This is the address for the Facility.
c. City, State, Zip
This is the address for the Facility.
d. NPI Number
This will be the National Provider Identifier number that has been designated by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) for the Facility (NOT for the provider). This will be particularly useful once the SOAPware Billing system is available.
e. Place of Service
This is the general code that is assigned to describe the type of Facility. This will also be particularly important for billing purposes.
2. Scheduler Tab

This is the location for the functional details of your facilities in the Scheduler. Three main sections here: Provider/Resource Management, Business Hours Management, and Facility Closings.
a. Provider/Resource Management
In this area, should be a list of licensed providers for your site. If your provider is not already in this list, the provider likely does not have a license to the Scheduler. This area is the location to actually activate the providers/resources that will be using the Facility.
b. Adding a Resource

Note: This is available only in SOAPware Professional.
Add Resources to be scheduled, in addition to Providers. Resources are anything for which patient times are scheduled. For instance, this could be an R.N., an exam room or even a device, such as x-ray. These are completely determined by you, and are designed to more efficiently schedule and manage resources for patient visits.
To add a new Resource, Click the Resources tab. Click the Add Resource button (with the green plus sign). The Resource Editor dialog is displayed. Type a Name for the Resource. This dialog manages the time for both Providers and Resources.
To activate the Provider or Resource selected, Click the Visible checkbox. Every Facility has to have at least 1 Provider visible to be able to schedule appointments for that facility.
c. Working Hours Management

This section allows the working hours for the Provider/Resource to be set for the facility. If you have multiple facilities, among which a Providers/Resource travel, set the days and hours that each will be working at each facility each week. These times that are set up will then be available for scheduling for each Provider/Resource.
To edit each day's working hours, Double-click a time, or Select a line, and Click the Edit button.
Click OK when done, and repeat with following days.
To set the Provider/Resource's coloring for their open scheduling time, Click the Color Wheel button and Click the color to change as preferred.
Click Save.
d. Recurrence Management

This allows the set up of regular blocks for a provider at the facility. For instance, if the provider regularly takes lunch from 1pm-2pm on the days she/he is at the facility, set that time from this section.
Go to the Tools menu>Manage Facilities. Click on your facility and click on the Edit button and then click on the Schedule tab.
Click to highlight the provider's name and then click on the Edit button.
Click on the Button with the green plus under Recurrence Management
e. Appointment Time
Type Start Time and End Time for the blocked time.
f. Recurrence Pattern
Click the Recurrence Pattern radio button to designate whether the time block will be Daily (or every weekday), Weekly, Monthly or Yearly.
g. Range of Recurrence
This allows the blocks to start on a set date, and have them reoccur a certain number of occurrences, or end by a certain date. If this is set to end after 0 occurrences, the block will not have an end date.
h. Comments
For example, Type the name of the blocked time, and it will show up for the facility on the scheduler.
Click Save when finished setting the block, and the display returns to the Facility dialog's Scheduler tab.
i. Business Hours Management

Set the overall operating business hours for the facility in this section, regardless of the provider that is there. Changing this section will be identical to setting the hours for a provider in the Working Hours Management section. This should be relatively simple to update and edit.
j. Facility Closings

Block off the days the clinic will not be open to see patients, or is closed entirely for holidays, etc. Notice this section applies to the overall facility regardless of the provider. To set up a new closing, Click the Add Closing button (with the green plus sign).
Type the Name for the closing as well as the Start Date and End Date. Click OK when finished.