Active Problems Documentation

This lesson will demonstrate how to insert the Active Problems Starter Pick List if your Summary docuplate does not already contain the Starter Pick List. This lesson will also describe how to use the Active Problems Starter Pick List.

The Active Problems field in the Summary is for recording all medical problems the patient is currently being treated for.


Click here to view Meaningful Use criteria


Click here to view Meaningful Use Criteria

Entering a Diagnosis Using Shortcuts

Entering a Diagnosis Using Shortcuts

Click somewhere just below the Active Problems  field header in the Summary. Type AlcDep (a shortcut code for a Structured Dx SMARText item that indicates alcohol dependence), and Press the space bar.

Regarding Shortcuts:

1. A SMARText item can only have one Shortcut.

2. Not all SMARText items have Shortcuts.

3. Users can add and change Shortcuts to meet their preferences


Entering a Diagnosis Using Keywords

Entering a Diagnosis Using Keywords

In order to search/find the pre-built SMARText items for depression, and enter one into the chart, Press Enter again to create a new line under Active Problems, and Type depre. This time, in order to perform a search both locally and in the online library, add the SHIFT key to the previous key-command (i.e. Shift + F11).

Regarding Keywords:

1. A SMARText item can have an unlimited number of Keywords.

2. No SMARText item has every possible Keyword that users prefer.

3. Users can add Keywords to meet their preferences.

4. The longer the Keyword (i.e. typed entry to search), the faster the search.


Selecting a Diagnosis from a Shift+F11 List

When items in the online  library are selected  from the pop-up list and inserted (as shown above with depression), SOAPware automatically:

1. Downloads the item.

2. Adds the item to your local library.

3. Inserts into the field at the insertion point.

Entering a Diagnosis using a Starter Pick List

Entering a Diagnosis using a Starter Pick List

The Active Problems starter Pick List contains a list of some of the most common diagnosis.

Accessing the Active Problems Pick List

Accessing the Active Problems Pick List

In SOAPware, text that appears Blue and Underlined indicates that a Pick List is attached to the SMARText Item.


1. Left click on the Pick List header (ie: Starter - Active Problems)

2. A list of items will appear in the SMARText Quick Access Dialog.

Choosing Items from the Active Problems Pick List

Choosing Items from the Active Problems Pick List

With the Active Problems Pick List displayed in the SMARText Quick Access Dialog:

1. Click in the box in the "Selected" column next to each of the items that you wish to insert into the Active Problems field.

2. When the items are inserted, the Starter Active Problems header will disappear.