Key Commands - Reference Guide
This lesson will demonstrate a list of key commands within SOAPware, divided into various sections.
General Windows Shortcuts
The General Windows Shortcut list includes:
* Alt + Tab Quickly switch between open programs.
* Alt + F4 Closes the currently active program or window.
* Ctrl + X Cuts selected text.
* Ctrl + C Copies selected text.
* Ctrl + V Pastes text.
* Ctrl + Z Undo the last action performed.
* Ctrl + Y A redo is performed once the undo command has been used.
The Navigation list includes:
* Alt + Underlined Menu letter Drops down the selected menu from the top of the screen. Example: Alt + S drops down the SOAPware menu.
[ In a case where two or more menu items share the same access letter, press Alt + the letter and then enter, to access the items in the first menu, and Alt + the letter again, to access the items in the additional menu (s). ]
* Ctrl + B Open Chart Navigator.
* Ctrl + Shift + C Open Chart Rack.
* Ctrl + Alt + P Initiate the print list function within Chart Rack dialog.
* Ctrl + T Open Task List.
* Ctrl + N Create a new SOAPnote encounter in the currently opened chart.
* Ctrl + Shift + L Display/Hide the document/docutainer list under a lower splitter bar.
* Ctrl + Alt + T Transfer vital signs to the Objective field in the active SOAPnote.
Navigation between SMARText Items
The Navigation between SMARText Items list includes:
* Tab Move to the next SMARText item.
* Shift + Tab Move to the previous SMARText item.
* Ctrl + Tab/Shift Tab Move to the previous and next fields ( Within the Summary or the SOAPnote.)
The Date/Time list includes:
* Ctrl + D Insert the current date and time in text field in the format of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM.
* Ctrl + Shift + Y Insert current time in 24 hour military format of HH:MM.
Task List
The Task list includes:
* Ctrl + Left Arrow Move to the next field to the left in the Task List.
* Ctrl + Right Arrow Move to the next field to the right in the Task List.
* Ctrl + Alt + E Edit the selected task.
* Ctrl + Alt + N Add a new task.
* Ctrl + Alt + P Initiate the print list function.
* Ctrl + Alt + R Delete task permanently and remove from the Task List.
* Ctrl + Alt + S Sign off the selected task and associated document in the patient's chart.
* Ctrl + Alt + V View the document associated with the currently selected task.
Document Designer
The Document Designer list includes:
* Ctrl + X Cuts selected text.
* Ctrl + C Copies selected text.
* Ctrl + V Pastes text.
Quick Print Key Commands
The Quick Print list includes:
* Ctrl + F1
* Ctrl + F2
* Ctrl + F3
* Ctrl + F4
These key commands can be designated to directly print a document design without having to go through the print menus. For more information, see: Quick Print Key Commands
The SMARText list includes:
* Ctrl + Del Clear out the contents of the active SMARText item.
* F10 Display the SMARText Items Manager.
Encounter Specific
The Encounter list includes:
* Ctrl + Shift + Del Clear out the content of the current field. (Subjective, Objective...)
* Ctrl + H When used in the Plan field, this command will insert handouts based on the diagnosis and medication prescribed. For more information, see: Handouts
* Ctrl + R Delete everything to the right of the cursor to the next period.
* Ctrl + W Inserts the word, "normal".
* Ctrl + > Open a search list for code expanders and shortcuts.
* Ctrl + / Display the field history.
* Ctrl + Up Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous section.
* Ctrl + Down Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the next section.
* F9 Remove unused items in all docutainers actively open. (Usually used for cleaning up the Summary and SOAPnote simultaneously)
* Ctrl + F9 Remove unused items in the active docutainer.
* Spacebar Used after a code expander or shortcut, to expand it. For example: typing "tyl3" and pressing the spacebar, expands to the Tylenol #3 Medication.
* Ctrl + F7 Initiate Spellcheck for all documents.
* F7 Initiate Spellcheck for the current document.
Docuplate Specific
The Docuplate list includes:
* Ctrl + Shift + T Save the current docuplate information as a new docuplate.
* F5 Initiate Quick Entry dialog box for easy insertion of a docuplate.
* F6 Open Docuplates.
*F11 Expand a code or shortcut. This command is useful if the spacebar expand command is turned off.
SOAPnote Specific
The Objective list includes:
* Ctrl + Shift + J Store exam/ Copy Objective to Summary Physical - will prompt to append or replace Summary Physical with SOAPnote Objective field.
* Ctrl + J Get stored exam/ Copy Summary Physical to Objective - will prompt to replace or append SOAPnote Objective field with Summary Physical.
* Ctrl + O Enter Objective field/ Position cursor in the Objective field.
* Ctrl + Shift + O Empty Objective field/ Position cursor in the Objective field and will remove all text in the field.
The Assessment list includes:
* Ctrl + Shift + F6 Store Assessment field -will prompt to append or replace Summary Active Problems with Assessment field.
* Ctrl + F6 Get stored Assessment field - will prompt to replace or append Assessment field with Active Problems.
* Ctrl + A Enter Assessment field / Position cursor in the Assessment field.
* Ctrl + Shift + A Empty Assessment field/ Position cursor in the Assessment field and remove all text in the field.
The Medications list includes:
* Ctrl + F8 Store Rx field - will prompt to append or replace Summary Medications with SOAPnote Medications field.
* Ctrl + Shift + F8 Get stored Rx field - will prompt to replace or append SOAPnote Medications field with Summary Medications field.
* Ctrl + M Enter Medications field / Position cursor in the Medications field.
* Ctrl + Shift + M Empty Medications field / Position cursor in the Medications field and removes all text in the field.
Rx Pad Key Commands
The Rx Pad list includes:
* Ctrl + Alt + R Open "Add Rx" dialog.
* Ctrl + Alt + I Display the "Interaction Summary" dialog.
* Ctrl + Alt + P Activate the print command.
* Ctrl + Alt + U Display the "Update Summary" dialog.
* Ctrl + Alt + S Activate the "Submit" button.
* Ctrl + Alt + F Activate the fax command.
* Ctrl + Alt + E Place the cursor in the Eligibility field.
* Ctrl + Alt + H Activate the Pharmacy list.